Recent content by moleodonuts

  1. M

    Effects of a TMIC upgrade on fuel economy

    I think bringing up the theoretical maximum eff. of an engine is getting a little off base...
  2. M

    Effects of a TMIC upgrade on fuel economy

    yah. we gotta run at 1 cycle/hr so we can slow down the reactions and get entropy as close to zero as possible. then I'll get totally sweet gas mileage (gun)
  3. M

    Effects of a TMIC upgrade on fuel economy

    Which would increase pumping losses/decrease volumetric efficency slightly, but I doubt its enough to see any significant effects.(flash)
  4. M

    Effects of a TMIC upgrade on fuel economy

    ... = acceleration = me backing off the gas Remember we gotta do a summation of forces equals 0 because I am only interested in cruising fuel consumption.
  5. M

    Effects of a TMIC upgrade on fuel economy

    Haha, after years of driving around my civic with 2 seats, no carpet, no rear setas, no spare tire &c., I do want to live in the lap of luxury just a liiiittle. I am considering dry-icing my sound deadening tho. I would imagine if you put thin strips of dynamat in spots where there are stretches...
  6. M

    Effects of a TMIC upgrade on fuel economy

    seems like general consensus is that there's no change then? must not effect he pumping efficiency or anything like that, and so even if you get more power out of it (which is minimal anyway right?), you're just backing off the throttle a slight amount and using the same fuel delivery rate?
  7. M

    Effects of a TMIC upgrade on fuel economy

    If that O2 sensor is a wideband, then it would make more sense how the ECU can change what A-F ratio it looks for across the power band. Last time I studied and worked with automotive control systems, the O2 sensor had a built-in set point that it would either be above or below (on or...
  8. M

    Effects of a TMIC upgrade on fuel economy

    that's what an O2 sensor does. The ECU requires a certain A-F ratio and the o2 sensor either gives out voltage or does not (on or off) and the car must constantly rise and fall above that air fuel ratio. A wideband O2 sensor changes this by sending out a signal that tells you more than just if...
  9. M

    Effects of a TMIC upgrade on fuel economy

    yeah yeah, much better way of saying what I was trying to say (puke)
  10. M

    Effects of a TMIC upgrade on fuel economy

    If I lower the cooling charge, won't I get more power at a given engine speed (and in our case, a given gear)? That way, if I assume I'm cruising at one speed with the stock IC and it requires a specific power demand to keep that speed, which has some associated hypothetical throttle position...
  11. M

    Effects of a TMIC upgrade on fuel economy

    If I'm more efficiently using my system by getting a more efficient IC (less lossy or one with better heat transfer) and thus getting more work per cycle, my power demand should be the same, right? So aren't you saying my fuel economy would go up? I'm confused (uhm) EDIT: by "less loss"y I mean...
  12. M

    Effects of a TMIC upgrade on fuel economy

    I'd really like to, but there aren't diesel compact cars that entirely fit what I want in a car (reliability, mild performance, and space to haul around my bikes and kayaks and all).
  13. M

    Effects of a TMIC upgrade on fuel economy

    I am getting the itch to mod but drive nearly 100 miles/day. As such I'd like to stick to mods that keep my fuel economy similar or better to what I currently get. My question is, does anyone have any info on how a TMIC upgrade affected their fuel economy? Not that I need well thought out...
  14. M

    Gi:MS3 pnp Ems
