xDJ DUBx's 03.5 Pure White LX-T

still no luck? I say u should bring up links of the ones u are seriously considering like u did last time so u can do a side by side comparison.
well yeah i know u were posting the as u find em and thats why i thought it would make it easier to have em side by side but I guess there is no point in doing that just yet.
tru. and this " valve gasket cover has some leak"

if they feel like selling it instead of fixing it before they sell it there might be other stuff wrong with it that they thing somebody won't catch and like u said they don't rlly take good care of it if they don't wanna fix something they claim is easy to do.
See, thats exactly my point.

Did ya go tonight Ricky?

na man i forgot my wallet so i had no money for gas..my light came on just as i got by my house lol..so it was either i go to the meet with no way home or i go home for the night.

saturday i have to go, i'll fill the tank up to be sure lol
i'm down! (cabpatch)
ill run my sick ol 88hp mx-3 lol.
its funny cuz today my bro was talking about how i still haven't actually gone to a meet with any of u guys. :p