Old Lady Love

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So I'm parked at Sheetz getting my Shmuffin and coffee the other morning, and when I come out of the store, there's an old lady walking around my car giving it a thorough checking out.
My initial thought is she doesn't like my park job (I was slightly into the striped area between my spot and the handicap spot), but when I got to my car she very excitedly asked "is this yours?". Since I wasn't stealing someone else's car, I said "why yes it is!"
She went on to tell me how much she liked the lines and it looked like it was pretty sensible since it was a wagon. "And what is it by the way?"
I told her how it was a Mazdaspeed3, basically a hopped up version of the regular Mazda3, except mine had a turbo and was pretty quick.
Then she went on to tell me that her grandson had some kind of turbo Subaru that was supposed to be pretty fast... a WXTI or something.
I responded with, "my car eats those for breakfast; from a roll, this thing is 12 second monster!"

Thanks to M24/7, I knew exactly what to say to that nice lady who's grandson drives a Subaru.
Portions of this story are true. Other parts are embellished.

The satirical portion of my narrative refers to the following closed thread:

What parts are embellished? That the MS3 is indeed competitive when the races start from a roll in 3rd gear? This is actually very true btw, when you don't have such factors as limited power in the 1st 2gears nor major traction issues at launch the MS3 is pretty damn quick and can indeed bet a STI in such a contest. The STI in case you weren't aware is AWD which contributes to more weight and more power loss due to drive train layout. Granted AWD is great for 60ft times it's not the best application for races that start from a rolling start. Trap speed doesn't exactly tell the full story either, especially in the speed3's case. You see the MS3's 1/4 trap times rather you agree or not effected by the fact it doesn't hook up so well at launch and that it's power limited in 1st / 2nd gear. If the MS3 could hook up good and effectively utilize all its power in every gear it would run much faster in the .
If the MS3 could hook up good and effectively utilize all its power in every gear it would run much faster in the .

Shoulda coulda woulda. If I had knocked down all 'dem pins, I woulda got a strike.
The MS3 does what it does in the quarter mile and I accept that. When the Roll-on Racing League is formed and there's a standard for measuring performance/results from a roll, then we'll talk.

Truth: Old lady liked my car and asked what it was.
Fiction: Old lady has a son with a Subaru and I busted out the 12 second monster claim.

For those of you who got the joke in this thread and laughed, thanks and it was my pleasure.
i was actually able to beat an sti, evo, 350z, and ms6 in the same race from a stoplight...all without adding more power to the engine

all i had to do was invent and fabricate an electronically controlled release mechanism for a temporary awd setup for my ms3. as soon as the light turned green all 5 of us peeled out from the stop bar, and i was right along with all of them till i hit 3rd gear. then i flipped the safety window on top of my shift knob and pushed the release button. as i went into 3rd, the driveshaft and rear diff and axles blew apart and slid off the road behind me, thus putting all my power back down to the front wheels and relieving me of an extra 500lbs.

so i ended up destroying all of them at the same time, until a miata with a 4-rotor swap flew by me in a 12,000rpm, 170mph cloud of dust
Shoulda coulda woulda. If I had knocked down all 'dem pins, I woulda got a strike.
The MS3 does what it does in the quarter mile and I accept that. When the Roll-on Racing League is formed and there's a standard for measuring performance/results from a roll, then we'll talk.

Truth: Old lady liked my car and asked what it was.
Fiction: Old lady has a son with a Subaru and I busted out the 12 second monster claim.

For those of you who got the joke in this thread and laughed, thanks and it was my pleasure.

Yes you're an idiot with lame jokes I get it!!
What parts are embellished? That the MS3 is indeed competitive when the races start from a roll in 3rd gear? This is actually very true btw, when you don't have such factors as limited power in the 1st 2gears nor major traction issues at launch the MS3 is pretty damn quick and can indeed bet a STI in such a contest. The STI in case you weren't aware is AWD which contributes to more weight and more power loss due to drive train layout. Granted AWD is great for 60ft times it's not the best application for races that start from a rolling start. Trap speed doesn't exactly tell the full story either, especially in the speed3's case. You see the MS3's 1/4 trap times rather you agree or not effected by the fact it doesn't hook up so well at launch and that it's power limited in 1st / 2nd gear. If the MS3 could hook up good and effectively utilize all its power in every gear it would run much faster in the .

What part of this statement isn't true???
whatever racing in a straight line is for girls.

Never said it wasn't. I was only proven a point that some appearantly can't grasp. I mean for Chirst sakes its common sense, at least I thought anyway... Having a lot of power from a roll isn't exactly useless btw, It's really nice for real world passing and getting out of the way of danger, etc. The MS3 is def more of a track car though.
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