ZOMG Nature! It's all around me!


Titanium MSP
So I plowed into an effing deer, of all things, on Sunday. :mad:

Most of the damage is on the front and left side of the car: my front-left headlight is broken, the hood well bent and dented, and front bumper cover is cracked (a little).

Also, I somehow managed to get the car sideways enough that it dented the crap out of my left-back door. I'm simultaneously pissed that the door's bent and happy about the extreme lack of body roll this car presents.

I'll post pics if I can remember when I get home.
Here are the damage pics:



Kinda hard to see since I took the pictures in the dark but I figured I should take them while I was thinking about it. :)
Yeah, it needs a new hood but I'd have to add another $200-$400 to what was quoted ($405) to replace it with a decent CF hood, no to mention the downtime from waiting for it to get here and replacing the hood props with weaker ones (I have one of Dexter's kits).

I definitely considered going CF but just decided it's not worth the money or hassle to do it now.
Hows the deer? Did you see if it was ok. The last time my friend hit one it really messed up the deer. We had to put it down. Then I thought about all of the starving people in the world. So we took it home and cleaned it. We had ribs for supper!
I live in a highly populated deer area. They've run into my car twice; Once after letting it cross the road, I slowly started to pull away and it turned around 180 degrees and ran head-long into my front driver side quarter panel. The second time I was going down the highway and a deer was running across the opposite side, however it was hidden behind the tall concrete median until it jumped over-- directly into the side of my car. Never even saw it happen. Its head penetrated the rear driver side window, and as the laws of physics would have it, the force of the rear pillar at 65 mph broke its neck and spun the deer's rear end around to collide with the rear driver side quarter panel, followed by a graceful triple-axle before finally landing on the road.

My friend (who has had similar experiences) and I thought about designing and marketing the "deerflector"-- it's an attachable unit to the front of the frame that's very similar in shape and function to that of a cattle-pusher. We later made an alternate design for the more maniacal folk that dawned 6 foot spikes protruding forward from the deerflector itself-- also useful for people who enjoy eating their roadkill but don't want to go through the hassle of getting out of the car to put it in the truck bed.
Deer are thick here in the Virginia foothills too.

I have great fun hitting the brakes for mailbox reflectors that look like deer eyes glowing in my lights.

I hit one a couple of years ago, and like you, almost had the car stopped, so damage was minimal.

That's why they call them BAM-bi
Hughes412 said:
Hows the deer? Did you see if it was ok. The last time my friend hit one it really messed up the deer. We had to put it down. Then I thought about all of the starving people in the world. So we took it home and cleaned it. We had ribs for supper!
Hehe. It was very dead. I'm pretty sure its head impacted the car and it died pretty quickly. Unfortunately, I wasn't in much of a position to haul it anywhere for prepping, though. (evil)
gone_fishin said:
*deer are idiots*
We later made an alternate design for the more maniacal folk that dawned 6 foot spikes protruding forward from the deerflector itself-- also useful for people who enjoy eating their roadkill but don't want to go through the hassle of getting out of the car to put it in the truck bed.
The really stupid thing about this one was that it wasn't the first that ran in front of me ... its friend made it across the road ok. I remember thinking "wouldn't it suck if there were two of these-- oh ****."

I'd buy that second revision deerflector for sure ... might even build a whole car around it. (laugh)
murray...where were you for you to hit these deer? the only place ive seen them around here is on I-10 on the way to laffayette...
Well for all those none deer hunters, deer always run in groups. Normally it's 3 unless there is a fawn. You'll have 2 females and if you wait for a min or two you'll see the buck not far behind. But I guess you found out the hard way!
When I crossed the road this morning to put something in the mail box there were 4 deer wandering across at the same time maybe 100 yards down the road from me, good thing no one was coming around the bend there. Its a 50 mph zone, foggy, right after a bend. There is always someone hitting a deer right there.
justanotheradikt said:
murray...where were you for you to hit these deer? the only place ive seen them around here is on I-10 on the way to laffayette...
Middle of nowhere near McComb, MS. I have some friends that live out there.
Hughes412 said:
Well for all those none deer hunters, deer always run in groups. Normally it's 3 unless there is a fawn. You'll have 2 females and if you wait for a min or two you'll see the buck not far behind. But I guess you found out the hard way!
I'll definitely keep that in mind ... I'm sure I'll see more out there.
Murray said:
Middle of nowhere near McComb, MS. I have some friends that live out there.

well that explains it... you should NEVER go into MS for any reason... unless you are driving through on I-10 on the way to florida! :)

Where do I even start?

I got my car back today. In short, they botched everything but the headlight and hood.

The replacement pinstripe (oh god how I loathe that thing now) was so wrong it was ridiculous. It was like it was applied by some drunken half-sentient beast-person. The thing seriously waved up and down with a good 2" of difference and the top and bottom stripe actually crossed in some places. :wtf:Fortunately, they removed and reapplied it and it at least looks passable now ... still wish it wasn't there at all, though.

Then there's the front bumper cover. Apparently State Farm didn't put anything on the quote to actually fix the crack in the bumper ... only repaint it. So repaint it they did ... no repair, no nothing ... just painted over it, bug guts and all. (bang)

Lastly, one of my air duct fog light hole grill things was missing. What happened? Nobody knows. "It was there earlier." They're ordering me another one.
Ugh. (beer)

So the service advisor guy said he's going to get in touch with State Farm to straighten things out. I should hear back next week.

At least I got to take my car home again. It felt damn good to drive it after I've been in the 3 for nearly two weeks. It's just a damn shame it's going to have to go back in there for another two weeks soon.

Stupid #"@&*#*$@ deer. (pissed)
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