Wichita Mazdas

Yeah, I under stand alot of things are out of their control, I am just sick of refilling once a week, when they could easily give me all the corrections at once instead of one at a time. They just find one and send it back instantly. Work on the street is they are supposed to review the whole thing and reject it with all the corrections to stop things like my GTC getting suspended... lol

Yeah fo sho, there really isnt alot of meets around here centered around imports, I honestly think it's because no one looks at the cars independantly, it's all oh that's a gay honda or ******* subies, stupid things like that. And no offense but the Honda fan boys do ruin alot of the good time around here.

Really the only place to find the nonclassic "car shows" is on an open night at the drag strip or another location I won't post up on the forums for security reasons lol
Well one of these days, I'll have to hit up a bunch of people on base. I see a ton of STIs, an EVO, a boosted S2000, and a lot of other nice cars on base. We should hit them up and go from there. And I think most of them are cops.....at least they are always coming from/to the SFS bldg area.
lol I have noticed over my time the we (cops) always spend more money on cars than the rest of the jobs for some reason. I do know of one quick as hell STI owned by a cop... Don't remember his name though lol

Speaking of cars lol. I remember seeing a speed Miata in the flight ops building parking lot all the time when I worked in 1220. He had a FMIC so maybe has a tunner, but I always forgot to stick a note on his windshield. Probably an officer anyways, who wants those people on here lol.

I really don't know that many people on the base anymore since the whole 3 days notice I wouldn't be on ARCV orders anymore everything has changed.
Word. Well hopefully I'll be hitting the streets in the MSP by next month. My voucher is finally setting at Ellsworth as of Monday so hopefully I will have the money for it soon. Getting the MSP drivable just in time for winter YAY lol
Hey Joe next time I'm in Wichita I will let you know. I normally stay over night then head out the next day. Maybe you, Bradboy and myself could grab a bite to eat or do something. I don't know anyone in Wichita and I normally head to twin peaks for dinner and a brew. I currently don't have the MP3 anymore. I starting a project then sold it to someone in Grand Rapids, MI this past year. I bought a 92 sentra se-r with a JDM swapped SR20de. The motor is new but the car is falling apart. I'm currently working on getting a MS6 black on black...hopefully, it happens.

I am planning on another road trip to Wichita Sept 24 and will be taking off on the morning of the 25th.
Yeah Will deffinatly would be cool to get together. If you haven't noticed I haven't been around for the past several months lol been traveling all over the place, so for that I apologize for not remaining in contact with you. Wich I would have known you were looking at selling the MP3, probably would have sold you the MSP... lmao.

Black on black? It's all bout that White MS6 man lol. That may just be my next purchase lol
Glad to hear the voucher is on its way to being paid. Its about time. LOL. Just found out yesterday that mine was just approved, so its probably sitting at Ellsworth too.

Either way, those are both nice as hell. Black on black, and white are the best looking MS6's. Though personal preference for me would also be the white. I was looking for one for a while, but decided I'd just keep the Si so that I still have at least one car getting better than 25 mpg's. LOL.
Sounds like the finance office is actually doing their job this week lol.... For once. Now only if Ellsworth would lol

I really wish they made a white MSP, I would own one lol. But I love the look of the white MS6, with bronze wheels. Just like the look of the black MSP with bronze wheels lol. the MSP got 27 right before the turbo went out lol. I don't know what I'll do when I'm not paying for the 16 MPG that the Tahoe gets, there will be so much more money! lol
Yeah, they must be. My voucher got approved, paid, and was in my account all in one day......yesterday! LOL.

Hell, I really wish the US would make the MS3 in white. Actually, I saw online that the '12 MS3 DOES come in white. Maybe I should have held off for a year. Hurry up and get that thing running!
WTF! My voucher is still waiting in Ellsworth to be approved! Really hope there isn' something wrong... Like they over paid me for the first part of it... I am going to be so pissed and you'll hear about some crazy person starting fires!!!

Well since I just got my raise I should be able to start saving even more money so hopefully I will have the Tahoe paid off next year and buy a new car lol. I have a problem. I pay off one car and buy a new one just to pay that one off and buy a new one lol
I'm the same way man. I usually get tired of a car after a year or so of owning it. Fortunately for me though, I'm stuck in this MS3 for a while since it was brand spanking new.
lol well I am NEVAR selling the MSP. the Tahoe I plan on keeping until it dies, I hope thats a ways down the road. *knock on wood* Every other car I have owned I have kept till it died. I bought the MSP when my S-10 blew a head gasket and I decided it was time, the Tahoe I bought after the fuel pump went out in the Jimmy lol. I know simple fixes but I like new things lol
One of these days I will buy a brand new car, or truck. Just not any time soon.
So when we going to do a meet? Keep meaning to get out to the weekend meets, but just can't do it. Plus I don't know anyone, so I'd feel weird just pulling in and chilling in my car. LOL
hey guys im from wichita with a speed3 im down for meet whenever. i live at webb and lincoln but work out west.
I'm in Wichita. Live om the west end and work out eat. Just picked up a 2 to save some money. I've owned a couple miatas too. Pm me if people are meeting up.
Wow... Been gone for a few weeks and the wichita section has doubled in numbers?!?! Maybe I should go to Texas for more TDY's lol. Well if any of you guys want to help drop a new motor in an 03 Speed your more than welcome to come help lol.
im from wichita!!! i never knew there was a wichita thread on here! well i live in pratt right now because of college but im always in town on weekends!