Whats your AIM Name? Keep in touch

Hi everyone, Do you have AOL Instant Messanger? If so whats your screename? This would be great for any questions we want to ask each other.

So whats your AIM Name?

Mine is "Gamegod2x1"
believe it or not... "cyomega"

I know computers, cars (well, theory at least) and electronics, so if I can lend a hand feel free to ask.
aim & ICQ

aol: Flirttender

Sorry for the cheesy aol name. Some girlfriends of mine made it up. :D
That would be:

or on ICQ,

Kooldino (my ICQ# is 5327199)

Or you can reach me on MSN,



if you guys run mutliple chat clients like I do, you might wanna check out trillian (http://trillian.cc) for a free universal chat client. It will run MSN, ICQ, AIM, IRC and Yahoo messenger. I use it and reccomend it.