Tranny problems?!

Sweet Jester

2007 Mazdaspeed 3
I have had my car about 4.5 months without previous problems (its a 2007 MS3, 55'000 km).

Just over a week ago I was leaving my house to go to work and I couldn't shift into 1st and 2nd. I finally had to force it to change gears and it continued off and on as I was driving so I immediately took it to the dealer.

Once I got there, the mechanic drove it and sure enough, it didnt do it when he drove it. They suggested a tranny flush, so I had that done however when I drove it away its still felt "stickier" than normal but not that bad.

Over the next couple of days it varied between perfectly fine to "sticky" shifting to a complete failure to go into 1st and 2nd (felt like hitting a wall) and having to use 3rd to start or jam in into gear. I think reverse messed up once as well.

I of course had booked an appointment in the meantime and yesterday took it in. Yet again nothing happened when they drove it and without it acting up for them they wont do anything. The service manager kept it overnight and drove it to and from work in the hopes that he could catch it doing something so he could approve a fix/replacement but it didnt happen for him. SO the end result is that I was told that the shift box is short and its "normal" for these cars (as well as the Miata's and RX-8's) to have to shift into 4th first then back to 1st occasionally.... I challenged that, my room mate has owned both of those and didnt have to do that, although he did have to double clutch sometimes. I also mentioned the fact that it hasnt done any of this before last week! If course as soon as I picked up my car today its acting fine...

So right now I am pretty sure the shop is convinced I just cant drive my car properly when I KNOW something is wrong. I am making sure to fully depress the clutch etc and its not a grinding thats the problem. Any ideas or an I going crazy?!


I am not familiar with transmissions however I know when it feels wrong. However now its running pretty smoothly and it didnt mess up today.