The people that did this need to have their a$$es run over by the Karma train


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Truck theft leaves charity without food and diapers for poor

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The fact that they would have given the food away free is what most bothers Lori Miller.

The executive director for the Helping in His Name Ministries Food Pantry lamented Tuesday that thieves recently smashed into the organization’s Stockbridge compound and stole a 25-foot truck loaded with 10 pallets of food and boxes of diapers and toys intended for needy families.

<!--startclickprintinclude--><!--begintext-->The truck later was found empty, heavily damaged and abandoned in Atlanta.

“How people could take food away from the poor and from children is beyond me,” Miller said. “We would have given them the food, but the truck is our lifeline. I was floored.”

Miller was among the first to arrive at the scene the morning of Sept. 16 and discover things amiss. Criminals had forced their way into the compound sometime the night before, ramming the 1998 white box truck through locked gates before making off with the vehicle and its supplies.
Miller broke down in tears when she realized the extent of the crime.
The theft has severely hampered the ministry’s efforts to serve Henry County’s growing numbers of those in need.

The food was valued at $12,000, according to a police report. Loss of the truck, estimated to be worth $15,000, has left the organization without a way to pick up food from donors and deliver it. The thieves also took $500 worth of tools on the truck and a $50 tool box. Damages to the gate were estimated at $1,200.

No suspects had been arrested as of late Tuesday afternoon, said Capt. Jason Bolton, a spokesman for the Henry County Police Department.

Miller called the crime “devastating” to their ministry, the county’s largest food pantry, but was quick to give thanks for a community that already has begun rallying support. Another local ministry has volunteered its truck on a temporary basis.

Miller said the charity can buy more food from the Atlanta-based Food Bank, but will have to rely on the public for donations of more food and money to get back on its feet.

Helping in His Name Ministries Food Pantry has served more than 24,000 individuals so far this year, Miller said. Of that number, nearly half were children under the age of 18 and more than 1,200 were seniors over age 65.

To help, call 678-565-6135 or go to www.helpinginhis
Wow.... some people just disgust me. (headshake

And I'm sure the karma train is on its way.
What are they going to do with that much stolen food?
This is pretty similar to what happened to the $50k in toys that were stored at the police warehouse last Christmas.
What totally sucks is this panty ass judicial system in this country that does nothing to motivate people to not do s*** like this nor does it allow proper punishment for such dickless activity then people who are fed up with it get in more trouble handling it then the criminals that commited the crime to begin with. Kharma trains run late if it even ever makes it to the station.
^^ periods are your friend

I do agree. i think we need to bring back beheading in full force!!
^^ periods are your friend

I do agree. i think we need to bring back beheading in full force!!

I was just talking about that with someone the other day. I wondered if bringing back the guillotine would make any difference/deter crime.

(I think we were talking about the murderer who says he's "too fat" for lethal injection.)
My boss told me about this he said and I quote "Hell's got a special place for people like those guys, Right next to the room with all the pineapples." I have to say, he probably right.

If anyone didn't under stand the thing about to pineapple go rent Little Nicky.