P0442: Canister vent solenoid and purge valve location? 2011 Mazda2

My daughter's 2011 Mazda2 (auto) 110,000 miles threw a P0442 (slow vacuum leak) the other day. I've reset the code, replaced the gas cap and it keeps coming back. Next, I want to check the canister vent solenoid, and the cannister purge valve.

Here's the problem, I can't find them! A search on this site shows soolutioins for Mazda 5'sand they have them in the rear near the gas tank. I looked there, but don't see it on the Mazda 2

Would someone direct me to where I can find the canister vent solenoid & canister purge valve?

Thanks in advance
Well, I feel kind of dumb...the cannister vent valve is pretty obvious, its near the left rear wheel. And my evap leak is pretty obvious, as several hose ends are cracked, and probably leaking. For a temporary fix, I cut the ends off and re-installed. This only needs to work for a week until the new hose arrives.

Pictures for someone else having the same problem


  • M2_evap valve.webp
    M2_evap valve.webp
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  • M2_evap.webp
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