Locating Fusible Link After Booster Pack Jump Start With Cables Reversed

My kid hooked up a booster pack jump starter on 2017 Mazda 6 with cables reversed and fried something and also fried the booster pack. Got a new booster pack hooked it up and the start button no longer lights up and pushing it brings up everything you'd see when you startup the vehicle minus the engine starting up.

additional details
  • lights on the car all light up with the new jump starter connected
  • brake lights turn on when pedal is engaged
  • key fob is detected by the car
  • main starter fuse from the battery and the starter fuse in the engine fuse box are OK
  • starter relay is OK
Where is the fusible link located and anything else I could try..?
Just wondering. Does your Mazda6 has the iEloop system?
GT has it. Not sure about yours.
If yes, the problem gets more complex.

Any codes/errors on the dash?
I think the fusible link is one of the bigger looking fuse-things in the main fuse box.
If you want to hear something funny, I remember skimming through a Mazda 6 workshop repair manual pdf with 1248 pages. I did a search for the word "fusible" and the result was zero.
Just wondering. Does your Mazda6 has the iEloop system?
GT has it. Not sure about yours.
If yes, the problem gets more complex.

Any codes/errors on the dash?
Sadly, it has i-eloop and there were no codes.

I think the fusible link is one of the bigger looking fuse-things in the main fuse box.
I remember hearing you'll need to cut through layers of black electrical tape on cables coming directly off the +terminal. Or coming directly out the side of the fuse box but they look all too thin.
fuse box 3.webp
fuse block 2.webp
Check the fuses on the positive terminal. I hope the engineer designed a fuse in there to prevent exactly this.