Key Fob (2020 CX-9) Not Working

The buttons (lock, unlock, etc) on my key fob work, but when I try to start the car, I get a message on the dash that says my Key fob batteries are low and the car wont start. I replaced the battery twice in the past day and the problem persists. Any idea what the issue is? Does the fob need to be reprogrammed?
Sounds like a warranty issue entirely. Could be the keys antenna, the receiver could be bad, but mainly with a 2020, it is a dealership problem.
I had the same issue and took it back to dealer. The service advisor was able to fix it. He told me that the keyfob had been disabled and needed to be reset. Of course he showed me the process with the keyfob and I of course forgot it. I did the same initial troubleshooting with replacing the battery and the service advisor did the same before he figured out the keyfob needed to be reset.
Thanks all. I'll take it in to the dealership to get it reprogrammed. If anyone knows the sequence/how to reprogram it, I'm all ears. Would love to save a trip to the dealer. Thanks again!
Update for everyone, id been having the issue of either the fob not unlocking the doors or getting the key not found after the car had been started, so I called my dealer and they looked at it for me today.

Turns out, there's a way to put the key fob into power saving mode...thanks mazda.

Next post is the print out of the issue and how to fix it
Zoom in to see the details
Damn! Wish I would have seen this thread 2 days ago. Had this exact issue and went in for service this morning. The fob worked fine and suddenly stopped working. We’re not sure why it went into power saving mode but using the note procedure fixed it.
Thank goodness this thread saved me a trip to the dealership!

Two weeks after buying our CX9 my wife started getting the low battery notification on the dash so I changed the battery myself. Still had the low battery indicator on the dash. Came straight here and found this thread and low and behold this was the problem.