I’m baaack…2025 CX-50 Polymetal Gray Metallic

2019 Mazda3 AWD Hatchback
A couple of years ago, I turned in my Magda 3 AWD lease with only 7000 miles in the odo. Three months after I first took it home, Covid hit and my company had everybody working from home. I leave the house maybe once a week now, so it sat in the garage most of the time, putting on about 4000 miles in the last 2 years and 9 months I owned it. I loved the car, but keeping that second monthly payment made zero sense. So away it went.

But the wife still works on site (kinda hard for an OR RN to work remotely), and she’s had a Jeep Grand Cherokee (very nice vehicle, btw) for the past three years, and that lease is up next month. She’s been talking about replacing it with something a little smaller and more economical, and when the CX 50 caught my eye, I pointed her in its direction. After a little research and her seeing one on the road in the flesh, the CX 50 became our #1 target. Since this might be our last car purchase, the one thing I insisted on is a good sound system, so the S Premium trim level was a must. I’d like to have gone with a turbo, but I’ll be retiring in January, so keeping that payment down was a major consideration. Plus, my hooligan days are far behind me.

So today was the big appointment at the nearest of two Mazda dealers in the state. The sales guy was the consummate professional from the moment we walked in the door. Long story short (yeah, I know, too late for that), we got the deal I wanted for a 2025 CX 50 in polymetal gray metallic. Gotta wait to pick it up next week when the bank is open again, but it sure feels good to be back in the Mazda family again.


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