Finally Building Our Beer Pong Table *Oh so baller*


2003 Spicy Orange MSP
It all started Freshman year of college, maybe two weeks into the first semester. Most of my 7 roommates (yea, it was crowded.) had gone home for the weekend or were asleep already. My buddies Dan, Anthony, and I had bought some beer and were shootin the s*** in our dorm room when the idea was born. We decided we should build something out of beer caps. Sure, college people (including us) are usually unrefined in our decorative tastes and often decorate with alcohol bottles, but we wanted something a bit more complex. We settled on building a beer pong table, the top would be covered in caps and have USF (our school) in the school colors in the center. We did some math and found out that we needed, a TON of caps to cover our planned 8' by 2.5' table. About 2500 to be exact. Also, just setting caps on a table and gluing them down didn't seem very exciting, so we decided it would have raised edges and bar epoxy would cover the caps, leaving a smooth surface to play on and keeping moisture from rotting anything.

Fast forward two years of drinking and collecting caps. Big shout out to all of those that joined in and saved caps for us! On Friday, I had yet again, another bad day. My much anticipated and looked forward too, trip to Atlanta fell apart and I pretty much felt like s***. I had to do something to get me out of the house and keep me busy so my roommate and I headed to home depot to start the build. Here's our progress so far.

Materials needed:
s*** ton of beer bottle caps
Bar Epoxy (2 liters cost about $40 and didn't even cover 1/3 of the table)
8' x 2.5' 3/4 Particle Board (nice and sturdy works great with the epoxy)
21' of moulding, we chose some that had a small notch on the back to hold onto the table better
Liquid Nails
Clamps/Straps to hold wood while drying
The cool guy at Home Depot that will cut all the wood for you :)


Putting one of the sides on



Checking the corners and making them line up. We had to get notches cut in the molding since the saw at Homie Depot doesn't cut at angles.


All strapped up letting the glue dry. Its still hot as hell down here so it didn't take long.


Our friend's came over to help lay out all the caps. Real tedious work, this part took a while. Here's some of that:

Big Pile O' Caps

Getting some sorted and lined out

Making Progress !!!!

Everybody working hard

Close up of one side

Making room to form the center piece

Center piece sorting, etc. All the green caps for the center are Heiniken, the gold ones are Yuengling.



Where it's at now. We still need A LOT more resin so we need to find someplace to get it in bulk because its not cheap. The caps that are covered by resin already look insanely good though. The epoxy really accentuates their colors and s***.



Anyway so thats where we're at now. We're trying to get it done for my roommate and I's 21st birthday party this Saturday so hopefully I'll get some finished and action shots soon. :cheers:
haha dude that awesome. im gonna go downstairs and enjoy a cold one
That is bad ass! A bunch of my buddies made me a table a few years back when I bought my house but it was now where as awesome as that! Looks great so far.
BJ - I think you've found your real profession - avant garde artwork/furniture creator! I bet you could charge some serious $ for a piece like that...

hmmm, beer folk art - a newly discovered art genre!

Maybe check with a restaurant supply place or a furniture refinishing store - they may have a line on the resin for y'all.
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Dang.. Nice work.

I know a coworker of mine did one of those and did a Wisconsin "W".

They told me they had a lot of fun drinking all the Leinenkugel Red to make the "W".
She doesnt look very happy.

Slave labor?
Haha, nah no slave labor, she was pretty tired and went home shortly after that picture was taken. It was also pretty hot in the garage.

Thanks everybody, I can't wait to get it done!

Good idea on the furniture place for the resin JA. I'll see if I can find somewhere nearby.
nice one, these are popping up more and more here at jmu, had some friends build one like this about three years ago. the hardest part is getting all the beer caps collected... mad props
Damn great Idea, My beer pong table is just a 4x7 foot plywood board painted black with lines. Boo too me............Rob

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