Does CX-5 always start in AWD?

Maybe it's a precursor to moving on to another brand. Stop criticising and start praising just in time to tell owners of the next brand how bad their cars are compared to his amazing CX-5. I bet the Jeep Grand Cherokee Club are still scratching their heads.
Really, I think the problem isn't just the negative people. For some reason, this forum has two groups of polar opposites who are vocal... the fanboys who think Mazda can do no wrong, and the ones that complain about EVERYTHING. Sadly, if a person has a single problem and posts about it, the former group accuses the person of being in the latter group (and in effect pushes the person in that direction.)

It's starting to feel like US politics... where the conservatives are becoming more conservative and the liberals are becoming more liberal... and instead of working together to find solutions, they just spend all their time fighting each other.
But there is a 3rd kind. Those who complained but when presented with facts acknowledge it and move on. I have criticized quite a few things here. But folks like Chris, Mike,wlong stated facts and I agreed. The issue is there are many who just won't stop, no matter what. In such cases as a wise man I knew once said its best to ignore them else you are the same: criticizing too. Therein lies the rub. Aren't those who are reverting then are exactly the same?
I don’t think posters only fall into the two groups, most fall into middle ground and just need information on certain subjects or enjoy discussing or giving their opinion. The extreme negative and positive trolls are the exception rather than the rule.
I dont think posters only fall into the two groups, most fall into middle ground and just need information on certain subjects or enjoy discussing or giving their opinion. The extreme negative and positive trolls are the exception rather than the rule.

I agree, I don't mind sharing information on how the car functions and tips to get more out of it. That's what this forum is for. But I never hesitate to tell it how I see it. The TomTom GPS being the biggest failing this car has. It's a poor excuse for a GPS and I never hesitate to point that out. It doesn't have any redeeming qualities. Yes, there are a few (very few) who actually like it but it doesn't work for my needs and is easily the worst GPS I've ever purchased.
I agree the TomTom is barely adequate and graphics are not the best except in lane guidance situations. I've never looked up close at new '16 GPS unit but from pics of the nav unit I have seen my '07 Infiniti looks to have better graphics. idea of performance of '16 nav unit but on my 8 year old car it does not exhibit any noticeable lag. There is definite lag on '15 nav unit.

Just waiting for the day that the 10GB hard drive dies in my G35x... I know somewhat industrial grade for auto use but it will die someday. My extended factory warranty finally ends next month.
Okay, I once did a comparison study between TomTom, Garmin (Navtel), Navigon (NavTel) and Here maps. Garmin has the best user interface and NavTel maps were superior to Tomtom's. However certain ready features usually needed like quick changing of route options, turn-by-turn directions : Navigon came out on top. Here maps are very, very accurate even more than Garmin's but they are more cumbersome to operate, understand. Where CX-5 or in general Mazda is failing today (2016 & + models) is voice recognition. That's simply put PATHETIC. Have you seen UConnect or OnStar? Man - they nailed it. Superb. Even Garmin.
The problem inherent to HERE maps Mazda decided to use is lack of 3rd. party support. This is why they are having so much trouble getting voice recognition done properly, XM or any traffic integration and a lot more. Ideally, at least for US they ought to be opted for Garmin. However Garmin has a no compete agreement with Chrysler I believe....
I think that's a good point. Unobtanium has spent the last few months telling anyone who would listen that the AWD on the CX-5 can't even handle a little wet grass, that it doesn't power all 4 wheels, that it's effete (powerless and ineffectual). These are odd accusations to make about your own vehicle, especially considering that not once did he say he had actually experienced it's deficiencies first hand even though he successfully used it to get up the rugged trail through the steep back section of his remote property. He has even doubted the CX-5's snow/ice performance (even though he's never driven it in those conditions and tons of owners have attested to it's sure-footed behavior in winter storms). Rugged? Remote? ROFLMAO! People drive that road in CARS. Actual CARS. It's someone's DRIVE WAY for crying out loud. You think a few rocks and a little stream crossing the road is "rugged"? Maybe for a CX-5, lol! (apparently?)

Now his tune has changed rather curiously. After fording a single creek that barely came up to the vehicles underbelly, his AWD unit needs replacement under warranty. Now that it broke, he says he has "changed his tune" on the AWD system. He claims the AWD system works "great" (and what a sudden change that it) but that it's "fragile and finicky" (based on a single failure). Not once in his ownership experience did he report a single glitch in his CX-5 or it's ability to successfully climb any hill. But now that his AWD had a single failure, a failure that I do not believe has been reported by a single other owner, his story is now that the system is "fragile and finicky" (but that it works great, when it works). I've never heard of anyone use the term "finicky" to describe the sudden catastrophic failure of a heavy component. This is quite a curious change in tune. Any thinking person can see that the story does not make rational sense. It makes perfect sense. I thought the CX5 didn't have enough balls to actually lose traction without ice being involved. Turns out I was very wrong, and the AWD has been seamlessly integrating its presence on the road. Intelligent people change their stances on things when new experiences and data come to to the other, this sounds like a JEEP owner talking. "It's neva happened before!" Well they sure didn't seem too surprised at the dealership and knew JUST what needed replacing and how to go about it. Even though they too claim it's rare, they knew instantly without taking anything apart that the solenoid and diff cannot be replaced separately. Hmmm...suspicious, need to consult the manual or Mazda hotline. They were already aware.

For the next 3 months, instead of hearing repeatedly how the AWD doesn't drive all 4 wheels, how it's ineffective on wet grass, we will instead hear repeatedly about it's "fragile and finicky" nature. He will talk endlessly about how it works really good (when it's working) but that it's weak and unreliable. He will pop into any discussion that even mentions "AWD" and repeatedly tell us how weak and finicky it is. It will not bother him that his single failure is his alone, that no other owner has reported the failure of the AWD differential. How many forum members are here? Plenty of us use our CX-5's in rugged conditions in the Rockies and the Cascades Oh, so now my neighbor's driveway is "more rugged" than the Rockies and Cascades? Well which is it? without a single other owner reporting a failure. But this will not trouble the man on a mission to disparage the Mazda AWD system, he doesn't care how he plants the seed of doubt in peoples mind, or, whether it jibes with reality, as long as that seed of doubt has been planted, he will have done his job.
I'm pissed because I bought a vehicle that never impressed me much because it was supposed to be darn near bulletproof if properly maintained, and here it is falling apart with failing heavy components (your terms) in the same damn model year it was produced in, nearly. I could have had the same experience enjoying driving a Jeep with a HEMI in it, is my irritation. I gave up a nice vehicle so that I could have reliable and trustworthy, and so far it's been a BAD trade.

A very reasonable perspective.

But that won't stop him from characterizing Mazda's AWD as weak and unreliable. No amount of reason will change his behavior. With all the video proof leaving his previous repetive claims about the lack of Mazda's AWD ability to drive all 4 wheels completely and utterly discredited, he has a new way to disparage the AWD system. This new mission cannot be proven wrong with simple video proof so he will share his sob story endless and speak as if this weakness and unreliability of the AWD system is well-known, as if it's a fact. No prospective owner will be able to visit this forum without hearing about his AWD failure. He would shout it from the mountain tops if anyone would listen.

The only question remaining is why. And I can't answer that.

Why? I dumped an awesome vehicle for this thing solely because I'm building a house and didn't want to deal with EXACTLY this kind of BS. And guess what? I'm dealing with it, now. Maybe I shouldn't be so irritated, but it's like someone shoe-horned a 4-banger into my Jeep and took out the 4WD low and all the nice interior. Wouldn't you be mad if you woke up to a similar change? That's what it seems like. Reliability is crap. Power sucks. no 4WD low. No NAV. No Sunroof. No leather. (Yes, I get that those are options I COULD have gotten, but I traded all of that for "reliable", and would be fine if I had actually GOTTEN "reliable". Well, I didn't. I just got a shittier version of the same thing I had.).

So far, this was a terrible trade and I miss my JEEP :(

-HEMI power
-Nicer interior
-More cargo space
-Could tow
-Skidplates (for my neighbor's driveway...roflmao!)
-Just as reliable as my Mazda, apparently.

Yeah, I'm pissed about it. I'm also very curious how long until your CX-5 breaks, MikeM. I saw that terrible hill you took it up. Total ticking time bomb, right? I mean, these things, you stress them a little, and they are done. Is it days? Weeks? Who knows. Mine must have taken nearly half a month, and then BOOM! Like cancer. Just lurking. That's so absurd I don't know where to begin. Had it broken on the scene, I would agree that the two are related. had Mazda drained water/compromised fluid out of the diff, I would have conceded the point. Neither occurred. You're fishing.
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Okay, I once did a comparison study between TomTom, Garmin (Navtel), Navigon (NavTel) and Here maps. Garmin has the best user interface and NavTel maps were superior to Tomtom's. However certain ready features usually needed like quick changing of route options, turn-by-turn directions : Navigon came out on top. Here maps are very, very accurate even more than Garmin's but they are more cumbersome to operate, understand. Where CX-5 or in general Mazda is failing today (2016 & + models) is voice recognition. That's simply put PATHETIC. Have you seen UConnect or OnStar? Man - they nailed it. Superb. Even Garmin.
The problem inherent to HERE maps Mazda decided to use is lack of 3rd. party support. This is why they are having so much trouble getting voice recognition done properly, XM or any traffic integration and a lot more. Ideally, at least for US they ought to be opted for Garmin. However Garmin has a no compete agreement with Chrysler I believe....
Yes, I loved the UConnect in my JEEP. I also loved how the driveline only leaked instead of broke. Also, whatever NAV was in my 370Z was pretty decent, as well. Noone I ever met who had a TomTom thought much of it.
Really, I think the problem isn't just the negative people. For some reason, this forum has two groups of polar opposites who are vocal... the fanboys who think Mazda can do no wrong, and the ones that complain about EVERYTHING. Sadly, if a person has a single problem and posts about it, the former group accuses the person of being in the latter group (and in effect pushes the person in that direction.)

It's starting to feel like US politics... where the conservatives are becoming more conservative and the liberals are becoming more liberal... and instead of working together to find solutions, they just spend all their time fighting each other.

I was pretty cool with my Mazda. I didn't/don't really LIKE it, per se, but I viewed it as a reliable mode of A to B, and that's all I wanted. That is literally the only purpose it has/had, and it can't even do that. So what do you want me to say about it? It's a boring little 4 cylinder with an effeminate image and s*** reliability IN MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. I was okay with everything but the failure to reliably transport me from A to B without breaking. I am over owning vehicles for "fun" and for "image" at this stage in my life, and just wanted something reliable. It has failed. IT HAD ONE JOB. It couldn't do it. So now, all of its other glaring flaws are VERY salient in my mind. You can present every "fact" you think you know, but until you sign a contract to pay for my rental cars and my repair bills, I really don't think you've got a leg to stand on.
I would be mad too. are you considering a replacement?

Yes, but I'm "locked" into it right now, because I've noticed whenever I take on new debt, it takes about a year for my credit score to level back out, and I want to start on my house before then, so it's cheaper and easier just to deal with this because I do have a good warranty on it. However, once I get my house build and finances in order, I see no reason to own this vehicle. I never really was "into" it, and it's not doing the single one and only thing I bought it for: working without shitting the bed. So why keep it? It's like an ugly girlfriend who doesn't return your calls. Dump soon as you can afford your rent on your own, lmao!

Probably going to replace it with a used Subaru (90's Forester) and a newer sports car. But that's all down the road. Who knows, maybe in the next 2 years (credit recovery from building a house...) and 60K miles or so (about what I drive in 2 years), it will redeem itself by not breaking. of course, I said that about my JEEP, too...we will see, time is the great arbiter.
Yes, but I'm "locked" into it right now, because I've noticed whenever I take on new debt, it takes about a year for my credit score to level back out, and I want to start on my house before then, so it's cheaper and easier just to deal with this because I do have a good warranty on it. However, once I get my house build and finances in order, I see no reason to own this vehicle. I never really was "into" it, and it's not doing the single one and only thing I bought it for: working without shitting the bed. So why keep it? It's like an ugly girlfriend who doesn't return your calls. Dump soon as you can afford your rent on your own, lmao!

Probably going to replace it with a used Subaru (90's Forester) and a newer sports car. But that's all down the road. Who knows, maybe in the next 2 years (credit recovery from building a house...) and 60K miles or so (about what I drive in 2 years), it will redeem itself by not breaking. of course, I said that about my JEEP, too...we will see, time is the great arbiter.

So should we prepare ourselves for one or two more years of complaining? It's just a car. If it's causing you that much pain, sell it and move on.
So should we prepare ourselves for one or two more years of complaining? It's just a car. If it's causing you that much pain, sell it and move on.

It's not a car. It's a financial burden, however small, and it's a necessary item (transportation). Think of it like a marriage. It sucks, but alimony is a pain.
"Really, I think the problem isn't just the negative people. For some reason, this forum has two groups of polar opposites who are vocal... the fanboys who think Mazda can do no wrong, and the ones that complain about EVERYTHING. Sadly, if a person has a single problem and posts about it, the former group accuses the person of being in the latter group (and in effect pushes the person in that direction.) "
Sure reads that way.

"It's starting to feel like US politics... where the conservatives are becoming more conservative and the liberals are becoming more liberal... and instead of working together to find solutions, they just spend all their time fighting each other."

Pretty much like a bunch of grade schoolers arguing on the playground.....
UB: I understand you're pissed off. If my +1 month old car broke like yours, I would be too. But just for the sake of this message - I request you to let go your anger for 3 min. RELIABILITY is a big, big issue, I agree. So much so, although I had lot of money to buy in cash 5 years back I opted for a Toyota Corolla rather than anything else. I understand RELIABILITY was THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR for you. Then, why did you choose CX5 in the 1st. place? Nowhere I saw superb ratings for Mazda in general on this front. It took a hit during Ford ownership. Yes, its improving but its not 100%, nowhere near in comparison to many other companies. It looks like when you were buying it it was NOT the priority for you but now it is. Well, that happens.

You realize yours is an exception, no one yet reported it. Yes - you might have pushed your car hardest as per you but at the same time there are others in this forum who also push their cars very hard, folks like Chris who tweak the car, etc., etc. Also, you have reported bad MPG. I suspect your AWD differential might have had an issue from start. The mud, water nailed it to the coffin. Just give it a benefit of doubt maybe and wait for the new one? You are taking 1 MAJOR issue (I agree) and deciding the entire car is NOT RELIABLE. I just looked at Subaru Forrester's major forum thread. There are long threads on issues related to transmission. Frankly - I think every car has its weak point. At this point - if really RELIABILITY is the most important aspect for you - you should seriously look at Toyota 4Runner or a simplistic Toyota car like Corolla or Camry, i.e. size not an issue. 4Runner has and can go up to 500,000 miles easy peasy.
As far as reliability goes, I bought a brand new 2005 Mazda 6, back when they were still in partnership with Ford. Aside from Oil Changes, Tires, Air Filters and Brakes, the car was trouble free for the 9 years that we owned it (had about 95k when traded in).

In fact, we never even replaced the spark plugs. it never broke down, never disappointed us, and got 33 MPG.

That was my first Mazda, and that's one of the main reasons I am still a Mazda owner today.

Every car has its up's and downs. For the most part, from what I have noticed, the CX-5 doesn't have any real problems. I had transmission failure in my Scion at 18k miles, which at 15k miles the trans was rebuilt for a faulty bearing but the issue persisted and then lost 4th gear (6-speed manual btw). It was my first new car, never had a transmission go on me, it was annoying to deal with the dealer/corporate, but I still enjoyed the car and understood that the chances of it happening are slim and I happened to fall into the slim portion and have it happen to me. I drove that car hard, from Autox to various mountain road runs with car clubs, two trips from PA to TX, and it still chugged along till 46k which is when I traded it. Overall it just depends how you care for the car, and understand that things will break, no car is perfect and never will be.
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