CX-9 Driver Visibility

Driver visibility in the 2018 CX-9 sucks. This became apparent after driving a VW Touareg.

To get maximum leg extension the CX-9 seat must sit low. If you raise it, it moves forward at the same time (?) lessening the leg room. Does anyone else feel too low? I see other CX-9 drivers and some look like they’re low ridin’ in there.

Then, there’s the wide pillars in the front. I’ve missed seeing many cars and had to brake after double checking both directions... What good are all the safety features if you can’t see around the damn A pillars?
The over the shoulder views in the Mazda are blocked off as well.

The VW seat sits higher and the visibility is good all around. It’s a personal preference but I like having clear eye contact with my surroundings.

There’s something very cozy about the CX-9. Part of it is that feeling of being surrounded by a cushy interior.

It’s a really good car overall... There’s just a few things about the newer CX-9 that I don’t like, poor sight lines are one of them.

And here’s Tom with the weather...
Agree the A pillars are wide but they are not that bad compared to other SUVs. Things that are closeby should be visible at intersections- I don't see that as a big issue. Again everyone is different !!
Don't understand the seat comment. I am 6"1 with 35" inseam and I ride with the seat up a bit. No issues. A pillar is big no question.
Agree the A pillars are wide but they are not that bad compared to other SUVs. Things that are closeby should be visible at intersections- I don't see that as a big issue. Again everyone is different !!
I agree. Though CX-9 is IIHS’ Top Safety Pick so wider pillars must have helped keeping the cage intact. While A pillars are wide what I like about CX9 is that the side mirrors are mounted on doors slightly lower and away from A pillar. Most SUVs stick them at the corner which makes even wider blind spot, trust me I drive one of those SUVs :)
Yeah, it's definitely got some thick A-pillars. Thankfully they aren't any bigger than the A-pillars on the other car (2006 Honda Civic), so I guess I'm used to them.
what I like about CX9 is that the side mirrors are mounted on doors slightly lower and away from A pillar.
Well, I dislike the side mirrors being mounted so far away from the A pillar, because you have to turn your head further away from the usual straight-ahead direction to see something in them. Quite noticeable compared to our other cars (wife's Prius and trusty 240Kmi 1998 Dodge minivan).

Most SUVs stick them at the corner which makes even wider blind spot, trust me I drive one of those SUVs :)

My first impulse was to write "you must be really short" ;) , but I thought I better go outside and check, and guess what: It's complicated (to coin a phrase :geek: ).
It turns out, looking at my 3 cars, that the CX-9's stylish high belt line (window sills) means that the side mirror is mounted at least 4 inches higher relative to the steering wheel, resulting in the mirror sticking up close to the line of sight, where in my other, older, less stylish cars, the mirror sits so much lower that there's no impingement on the all-around view, even for "short people".
So I can see how the mirror location turned into a compromise due to the overall styling of the car - not the first time that the stylists had the last word, I'm sure...
I absolutely agree on the seat adjustment. Mazda took a step backwards in that regard compared to the first generation. As you adjust it one way it moves it from a previously set position. It appears to be all tied together, not in a good way for my personal preferences.
I have a pretty long torso. I wish I could lower the seat even more. For my legs to reach the pedals, my knees are bent more than I like. I am used to it now, but I wish I could lower the seat more so I could push it back more and have my legs be straighter.
I have a pretty long torso. I wish I could lower the seat even more. For my legs to reach the pedals, my knees are bent more than I like. I am used to it now, but I wish I could lower the seat more so I could push it back more and have my legs be straighter.
I have long legs and I agree.
There are very few test drives I’ve taken where I thought, “ Wow, this seat position has way too much legroom length.”
It turns out, looking at my 3 cars, that the CX-9's stylish high belt line (window sills)

Yup, anyone else feel like they're in a fish bowl when driving other cars? Makes for good visibility but even with tint I feel on display in my CRV.

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