Condolence Letter


So that everyone may actually read what is being sent instead of making assumptions, the below is a copy of the letter that will be sent as of right now. If you feel we should add, modify, remove something, let elemental or myself know and we'll consider it. However, in it's current state, we and others feel it is well written enough to avoid any negativity.



Clay Higgins
[address removed]
[address removed]

To the family and friends of Eric Johnson and his passenger,

It's said that the smallest thing in common can start up a friendship between complete strangers. As more people join in, this friendship evolves from a mere friendship to a tight knit family of individuals from all walks of life. The bond that each of these men and women grow to share is a hard one to be broken. That bond has shown as we each learned of the recent tragedy of Mr. Johnson and his passenger.

Although only a handful of us have ever come in contact with Eric or his passenger, the news hit home on a community of over thirteen thousand people. A community that was brought together person by person for solely one reason; the interest in our cars, whether it be a hobby or profession. A community that now feels torn due to the loss of Eric and the injuries brought upon his passenger.

While the similarity between all of us may seem superficial or unimportant to most from first glance, it is quite the opposite. Most members in our community will never meet each other and the few that have met others, have made friends for life. However, despite that fact, we are closer than most people not in our group would even begin to understand. Where else in today's world would you find such an alliance where sex, ethnicity, background, or beliefs have no meaning? Where the only basis of that unbreakable friendship is a single common love?

Admittedly, that bond is often overlooked when we're caught up in the common name calling, fighting, and general drama that occurs when you do put so many people together in one place. It begins to feel as though it's every person for them self. That is, until a very unfortunate incident like this occurs. Then you feel that we are not simply each person for their own, we are an entire team that cares for everyone in that team. More importantly, we are a family. We are one.

Being a part of this community is a great learning experience, and we have certainly listened and learned when the news of this tragedy was discovered. While most people think that groups like ours would support or promote street racing, we certainly do not. Regardless of if what happened was right or wrong, the result has affected our family in indescribable ways. We can only imagine what the friends and family of those involved must be going through if we are feeling the way we feel without even knowing him personally.

For that reasoning is why we've sent this letter. Each one of us would like it to be known that Eric, his passenger, his family and friends are in our prayers. Our community has been greatly affected by the loss and while we cannot do anything to change the past, we can do much to change the future. We are certain that this even will deter others from following the same steps. We are also certain that the younger members of our community have listened and learned from this event, and will be in a more mature mindset than before, should similar situations arise.

From each one of us in the Mazda community, our thoughts go out to each one of you and we pray for only the best. Those thoughts will be with you not only today and tomorrow but every day in the future. We will always have a place for Eric, his passenger, and the family and friends thereof in not only the entire community, but in each of our hearts. We cannot express enough how much we feel this loss; however, we can work to change the future for every one in our family so this loss may be the only one and never duplicated.

From everyone in the Mazda enthusiast family, we wish you well in this extremely trying time and would like you to know if you need anything at all, you may contact us. Again, most of us may not have personally known Eric or his passenger, however, the bond we share has been extended to you and your family. Our family is here for yours should you need us.

Wishing Godspeed to Eric, his passenger, family and friends thereof:

Clay H. (TX)	Mindy (TX)	Ahmad (TX)
Jeff (FL)	Craig (NH)	Corwin (FL)
Marc (MD)	Bryan (IL)	Patrick (TX)
Matt (IL)	Jen (NY)	Jack (QC)
Bryan (MI)	Nate (CA)	Kyle (VA)
Justin B. (NC)	Michael (FL)	Justin H. (LA)
Mark (MA)	Justin F. (NJ)	Santiago S (VA)
Nate P. (MD)	Shane K. (LA)	Andre (NB)
Amy (KY)	Tyler (VA)	Patrick (MI)
Francesco (NY)	Chris (FL)	Ryan (OK)
Eric (MI)	Ben (MI)	Andrea (MI)
Luke M. (GA)	Johnny R. (NV)	Jordan S. (AZ)
Richard M. (NC)	Albert F. (CA)	Steven C. (NJ)
Pete R. (NJ)	Dan J. (FL)	Paul (IL)
Jean (AB)	Brandy (NC)	Eddie (CA)
Krie (NB)	Dino L. (NJ)	Anthony (CA)
Eddie H. (NH)	Chris (CA)	Jeremy (MA)
Glen (AB)	Moeed (TX)	Mike (IL)
Cindy (PA)	Shana K. (MD)	Matt W. (WI)
Ariana (IL)	Adrian (TX)	Kurt (FL)
Justin G. (KY)	Seth (PA)	Alex (CA)
Tom (CA)	Kyle H (CT)	Sean J. (ID)
Brandon G. (NE)	Joe (AB)	Miguel (NC)
Christine R. (NC)	Chris H. (MA)	Drew (TX)
Daniel (TX)	Brian (TX)	Crystal (TX)
Nathan (OH)	Sam (TX)	Miller (AL)
Chris (GA)	Stephen (TX)	Sway (TX)
Mike (ON)	Brad (GA)	Jimmy (CA)
Chris (NJ)	Carlos (NC)	Jonathan (NC)
Eric (CA)	Gary (NJ)	Brian (VA)
Corey (IL)	Jake (ON)	Darryl (TX)
Todd (CA)	Chris W (CA)	Jon Jon (NV)
Stephen K. (SC)	Richard (VA)	Justin B. (CT)
Ken (IL)	Rob (WI)	Chris L. (IL)	
Steve S (FL)	Victor (CA)	Darrick (HI)
Frank (MD)	Matt W. (NY)	Carlos (TX)
Patrick (KY)	Mike (NJ)	Eric (QC)
Dan K. (QC)	Peter (FL)	Patrick (VA)
Justin (VA)	Oleg (MA)	Michael (CA)
Alex (TX)	Paul F. (TX)	Jean (QC)
Dustin (MT)	Jim P (AZ)	Brad (FL)
Frank R. (WY)	Jay (MA)	Zia (NY)
Dennis (IL)	Ben (VA)	Kevin G. (PA)
John (MN)	Albert (CA)	Matt (NE)
LJ (TX)	Brent B (MD)	Peter Z. (CA)
Ryan (FL)	Richard (FL)	Chris (FL)
Matt S. (CO)	James (AU)	Karl (NJ)
Rodney (NJ)	Jake (OH)	Mike (CA)
Roman S. (PA)	Karl S. (MB)	Jeff (NC)
Chris K. (TX)	Danny M. (GA)	Matt S. (CO)
Brad G. (GA)	Albert M. (CO)	Arthur (IL)
Vladimir L. (OH)	Jamie S. (ON)	Blair S. (AB)
Chris (ON)	Patrick (TN)	Cary (SC)
David C. (VA)	Richard K. (FL)	Heidi B (NY)
Jon M. (OH)	Chester W. (NY)	Ronald (TX)
Allan (ON)	Ryiad (TX)	Dominic L. (QC)
Joe M. (QC)	Rob M. (WA)	Arlan T. (VA)
Cullen M. (FL)	Ross (NE)	Doug S. (CT)
Anna (IL)	Tony (LA)	Jamie (NC)
Jarrett (HI)	Justin P. (NV)	Alex (CA)
Jonathan (CA)	Matt M. (CA)	JP Salerno (CT)
Paul Y. (WA)	Jose S (NJ)	Mark P. (NJ)
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t3ase said:
gotta give elemental credit for some of it ;D
ok...YA'LL have a gift with words. it's a very nice letter and i'm sure it will touch the parents to know that a forum with so many members is thinking of their son, (and debating the issue in so many threads.)
very well written. i have one question though, could you add me to the list of people? i must have missed the thread somehow. thanks

jose (WI)
I was on the fence about adding my name to be added to the list because I wasn't sure what was gonna be written. Reading this has not convvinced me either. You need to focus less on introducing our community and how we are brought together by unfortunate circumstances. It almosts sounds like your saying, "because your son died, we stopped the name calling and remembered what we're about. Thanks." If I'm the parent, I don't give a damn about everyone coming together and forgetting about PETY differences because of the death of my child. If you want to convey that their son was a part of something, (the community) and will be missed, and that our community isnt all about street racing and some of the other stereotypical stuff associated with car enthusiasts, fine. But dont spend the first four paragraphs telling me about how a forum comes together and works and becomes a community. I especially think you should leave out the part about this "unfortunate incident" making us remember we are a team. I dont want to hear that when I lose a loved one. To me it's not an "unfortunate incident". It's much, much more than that. They just lost a son, someone they have nurtured and watched grow for 16, 17 years. "Unfortunate incident"??!!! Oh but don't worry, we have all stopped bickering and remembered we are a community again, so the loss of your son is not all in vain.!! Whoever wrote this is, no doubt, good with words. But you have to remember who will be reading this. Put yourself in their shoes. Think of what kind of emotions they are going through at this time. Remember, this letter is to offer our symathies and help the loved ones of the victims hopefully feel just a tad bit better. It's not about making our community feel better. I am not saying this letter is intentionally portraying this message, but it COULD BE INTERPRETED that way. You have to be careful about what you say nad how you say it when it concerns such a delicate matter and so many emotions. Just say you are sorry for their loss and that there are others who will miss their son, who was a part of something good that even his parents may not have realized. Just my two cents. I dont mean to offend or criticize. I applaud your efforts in a noble gesture. I just think you need to be careful how you do it. Oh, one last thing. Reading the second vistim reffered to as "his passenger" repeatedly makes it sound impersonal toward the other victim. Almost as if they are an afterthought. I realize that we do not know that person's name, but try using different words. Just my oppinion.
very well written, the only thing i would change if possible would be to add the name of the passenger
Very well written. Very nice words.

My opinion:
-Keep to calling him Eric - change the "Mr. Johnson" in the beginning
-And the rest is mostly agreeing with Leonardo:

-please find a name for the passenger or change that (I hope you just left that as a substitute until you find out the name). Seeing "the passenger" is really bad especially since this letter is being addressed to all of them not just Eric. It kind of makes it seem that we only care about the Mazda owner here
-Even though we appreciate our forum and understand the beauty of it's chaos and community, leave our dramas and history out of it. I think Leonardo has a point in saying that we have to think about the audience here and their situation - his parents won't care to read that
-Leave out paragraphs 3,4,5,6 and it would be better

I don't think we should take this opportunity to tell them that people on our forum have learned their lesson and will street race less because of this incident (especially since that's probably not true, but an idealistic thought). I agree that our forum is special and the dynamic is just amazing, but do his parents really care right now? They just want to hear that people care, not that people will change their acts because their son is dead - it's too soon for that.

cbcbd said:
Very well written. Very nice words.

My opinion:
-Keep to calling him Eric - change the "Mr. Johnson" in the beginning
-And the rest is mostly agreeing with Leonardo:

-please find a name for the passenger or change that (I hope you just left that as a substitute until you find out the name). Seeing "the passenger" is really bad especially since this letter is being addressed to all of them not just Eric. It kind of makes it seem that we only care about the Mazda owner here
-Even though we appreciate our forum and understand the beauty of it's chaos and community, leave our dramas and history out of it. I think Leonardo has a point in saying that we have to think about the audience here and their situation - his parents won't care to read that
-Leave out paragraphs 3,4,5,6 and it would be better

I don't think we should take this opportunity to tell them that people on our forum have learned their lesson and will street race less because of this incident (especially since that's probably not true, but an idealistic thought). I agree that our forum is special and the dynamic is just amazing, but do his parents really care right now? They just want to hear that people care, not that people will change their acts because their son is dead - it's too soon for that.