Active driving display issues…Need help

2022 CX-9 Signature
We did the latest map update on our 2022 CX-9 Signature the other day. The next time I drove the car I noticed the hud mph would constantly revert back to 30 Mph unless I passed another sign within a certain time frame. Example was on a 45-mph road for 2 miles with three 45 mph signs, and it reverted back 2 times to 30 mph. I don't know if map update caused issue or if it's just a coincidence. I tried disconnecting battery negative terminal for 5-7 minutes. The firmware is the .048 any ideas what's going on? Thanks
I am not sure how to solve it but it may be caused by the map update. The system uses the speed recorded in the maps when a sign has not been detected by the cameras. It kind of looks likes your map database has all these roads identified at 30mph.

Maybe you could try reinstalling the maps from fresh through the mazda update app
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Thanks for the input. Will Mazda toolbox let you re-download the same map update? What you said makes sense, I forgot to mention in my original post, when I put the updated sd card in the cx9 my location wasn't even near correct on the map. I removed and reinstalled the nav card and then it had the correct address. From what you stated it must be reading the mph for the wrong area (corrupted download).
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I don’t have a lot of experience with it but i think it should at least let you do a reinstall of the map update on the sd-card.
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If the sd card is corrupted corporate Mazda said to install backup which is version I had before new update (if they know what they're saying). I'm not certain to trust them as she was looking for the info and didn't know herself. I don't know if I should install old version or wait until next map update comes out.
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Is your car still under warranty or is the Nav SD-card still under warranty?
Then ask your dealer.

The camera that detects the speed signs seems to be fine.
I think a corrupted Nav SD card will not work at all.

I am not sure if disconnecting the battery for 7 minutes is enough to reset the infotainment system. You can reset the system by pressing three infotainment buttons at the same time. Check which buttons depend on your model, year and version.
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I did the 3-button reset before disconnecting the battery. My dealer an hour away is not taking wait appointments for now and had no idea of how long I would have to leave it. They are way behind I think it is because of the 2020 and down cylinder head coolant leak updates. My warranty expires November 30th 2025
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Do you have the latest infotainment firmware version in your car?

If it is a warranty issue, it is first up to the dealer.
If the dealer is not willing or able to help you in a proper way, you have two options: try to reinstall the old map and/or contact Mazda Corporate about your dealer who is not willing or able to help you.

Personally I should check the SD-card in my computer for any problems.
Maybe I should try to re-install the old map and check in the car if everything works as it should.
Then, when successful, I should give the latest update another go.

If your Nav SD-card stops working altogether, you have an even stronger warranty claim ;)
I'm sorry, but I'm out of further options...
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1-System software.11048 Gracenote per settings which to my knowledge is the latest.
2-Dealer is willing but to backed up and shorthanded
3-I am probably going to reinstall old backup map and if successful wait for next map April or May. First, I need to find someone with faster internet speed our is 3 to 10mbps at low. It took 9 hours the last 2 updates we did.
4-So, the SD card is covered under factory warranty for corruption?

I will post my outcome when I find someone with higher speed internet. Unless I hear of another Idea before to resolve issue.
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