A HOW TO 4 Custom Catless Midpipe?

07 MS3 GT Heavily Modified
i have tried searching and haven't found one...can anyone help me with a how to guide for a catless midpipe mod on the stock midpipe and stock exhaust...does anyone have a video of how it sounds like on the stock exhaust?
get a shop to expand the end of a pipe so that it makes receiving ball/socket joint. slide a flange over it so that it will bolt the pipe to the j pipe. you just need another uviversal flange and gasket for the other end
I think he is talking about a how-to for gutting the stock cats.

When you get the stock mid pipe off though you will see how poorly it is designed. I would recommend just getting a replacement as they are priced very well.
i have tried searching and haven't found one...can anyone help me with a how to guide for a catless midpipe mod on the stock midpipe and stock exhaust...does anyone have a video of how it sounds like on the stock exhaust?

Ok, I can handle this one from experience. Be rested and ready for alot of beating. I dont hav a vid, but i can talk about it!
You need to find a long piece of pipe or metal (about 1/2"-3/4" round) that u can beat on. I just hammered a piece of pipe a little at a time, workin my way back and forth. You basically just gotta keep beatin on it, and wedging, tryin to get the cats insides broken up enough to come out. It is a big mess, i recommend a dust mask of some sort and even eyeball protection. It takes some patience and energy, and once u get started, there is no goin back.

Do u hav a way to prevent a CEL? I do have pics of a cheap fix. There is even a Thread on it if u search.
Will pulling the cats really make that huge of a difference??? I laughed when I saw the size of the stock pipe ID....I even put it on my Honda Del Sol....perfect for the 1.6L motor but not so good for turbos. I would wait until you can do the entire exhaust and go with a single cat....I have a single cat and never had a CEL and went right through NJ inspection that way.....
yeah dude pulling the cats made a big difference...now when i shift and boost my turbo spikes to 8-8.5 then settles to 6.5psi...the exhaust sounds more aggressive and i am pretty sure that the turbo can breath better without all of that back pressure!
Well I am glad to hear that deleting the cats made that much of a difference. I guess a before and after dyno would have given concrete evidence. Wonder if anyone has done just a cat delete dyno comparison??? Hopefully you can pass inspection now..I don't know how difficult it is where you are.