2018 Mazda3 warning light issue...Any ideas?

this is my first post on this forum. I have a 2018 Mazda3 grand touring hatchback with about 55K miles, and it has several warning lights that pop up and either stay on all the time or go out while driving. Rather than try to post them here I’ll just upload the warnings from the infotainment screen. So far I have replaced the battery, and I thought that fixed it, but they came back within a week or so. I know the tire pressures are correct. Recently had the rear brakes replaced and the shop used an aftermarket brand that included the pads and rotors. One thing I should point out is that I had been using the OBD port to power my dashcam, but not now as I see doing that doesn’t play well with some cars. Battery Terminals tight and clean, disconnected battery for an hour yesterday and same condition as before. IMG_2104.webpIMG_2103.webpAny ideas? Has anyone here had the same problems? It doesn’t affect the way the cat drives, but it doesn’t feel good to drive without antilock brakes or traction control.
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