Search results

  1. T

    P5 owners, age check-how old are you?

    Hey, Mandi here...21 with an '03 P5...addicted to my car, and a stranger around here.
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    P5 Custom Stereo Install

    linkie no workie :( Anywhere else to get install guide/pictures? Even a wiring guide would help me. TIA.
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    Florida Member/Location List

    Mandi...Coral Springs (Fort Lauderdale)...'03 Vivid Yellow MP5. ;)
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    any girls im south fla

    Sorry to go back towards the original topic, but I had to speak up. Not all South Florida girls are stuck-up, prissy bitches. IMO, for what it's worth.
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    New member here

    Hi everyone... I'm the fiance that Bernowt speaks of. Like him, I will be lurking more than anything, but I wanted to make myself known, and thank you all (in advance) for being so welcoming to n00bs :).