Search results

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    Someone tried to scam me

    It's a real label alright. Go to and type in the tracking number.
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    How many Canadians are on this signedup?

    Georgetown, ON Shhhhhhhh............
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    2004 Pontiac GTO

    Anybody read Car and Drivers "10 Best" issue? They tested an '05 GTO and '05 Mustang and the Pony beat out the GTO. Not by much mind you, I think it was a 1 point differance. Basically the GTO beat out the mustang in every catagory except for styling.
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    what should i name my killer dog?

    Name it after something you enjoy, we named our Rolo, after the candy. I'm also partial to the name Snickers
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    My new toy

    Just wanted to share My birthday present to me. An 03 Kona Hahanna Mods to follow...............
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    Question for Canadians

    Why can't I just say "How far is it from Montreal to Yellowknife?" Or is that not cool enough?(canada)
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    mazda protege6

    Is that bird s*** all over the interior?
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    how smart are you ?

    is the fourth grade in th US the same as it is in Canada, cuz me pas 2 (canada)
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    Where's Ontario At???

    Georgetown here, yes thats in Ontario
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    Photo of the Day

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    Falling asleep without seat belt VID

    When I was involved in a rollover (F250 @ work) I did just that. Held on the the stearing wheel like nothing else. pulled a muscle in my hand from holding on. Needless to say I will never get into a car without buckeing up. It's not fun once you've been there. I was lucky.
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    Im being asked to go to the army =(

    Was in the same sort of situation years ago with the swiss. Again in Switzerland the have a mandatory enrollment when you reach age 18. They sent me a letter, written in swiss-german, stating I must report to such and such a place to receive my basic training. I call the swiss consulate and...
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    Post Your Tattoos

    Got a tatoo of supergroer over my left pec. Reminds me everyday to never fully grow up.
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    Funny I put age 35 to start and picked all the worst choices in all the categories told me i was going to live until age 25 :rolleyes:
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    Sadam's outkast song

    Funny parody