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    How-To Install the Essential Speed Stage 1&2 for your MSP

    I'm sure those pix are still around on a backup here. I'll see if I can dig them up and update the links here.
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    How-To Install the Essential Speed Stage 1&2 for your MSP

    i know i know i know. i've been moving and my computer with all the pix on it has been in storage for longer than anticipated. everything should be settled on sunday so hopefully by wednesday i'll have net access at the new place, then i promise to put the pix up on the server again. :)
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    How-To Install the Essential Speed Stage 1&2 for your MSP

    doh! sorry, i was cleanin up my server over the last month or so and must have deleted them. i'll throw em back up this week. incidentally, my essential speed setup is for sale if anyone's interested, i'm askin $1200 (was $2200 new). i don't have an msp anymore. :(
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    Essential Speed Full 3" Catback MSP

    I don't have this installed on my car yet. Essential Speed has been selling the exhaust for a couple months now I believe, and had been developing it for some time before hand. They're great people and should be available for any tech questions you have (check site). I think they had mentioned...
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    Essential Speed Full 3" Catback MSP

    Kevin asked me to throw this up here for everyone's enjoyment. It's a sick sick sound. :D WATCH (~4MB mpg) Visit their site at EDIT: fixed link. stupid forums editor.
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    How-To Install the Essential Speed Stage 1&2 for your MSP

    Step Seven: Put the Bumper Back On Step Seven: Put the Bumper Back On Just scroll up and follow the instructions for removing the bumper, but in reverse. If you like you can print out those instructions and hold them upside down. We ran into one snag when mounting the bumper. There are...
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    How-To Install the Essential Speed Stage 1&2 for your MSP

    Step Six: Put Them Pipes In Step Six: Put Them Pipes In This is all mostly straightforward so I won't give you much direction. My advice is to lay out all your pipes before hand and figure out how they all hook up to one another. Also, start from the bottom and work your way up. A couple quick...
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    How-To Install the Essential Speed Stage 1&2 for your MSP

    Step Five: Mounting the Intercooler Step Five: Mounting the Intercooler I like helping people. I'm not sure why, it's just the way I'm built. This being said, I'm going to pass out some solid advice my mother gave me when I was but a child: "Always check your pipes before you blow them." You...
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    How-To Install the Essential Speed Stage 1&2 for your MSP

    Step Four: Cutting Step Four: Cutting We (okay, okay. Eric, technically) did all of the cutting using a Dremel. I recommend using a Dremel if you have one. If you don't have a Dremel I recommend you either give up now and let your Protege become a permanent lawn ornament, or you go find one...
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    How-To Install the Essential Speed Stage 1&2 for your MSP

    Step Three: Reposition the Doohickey Step Three: Reposition the Doohickey Up front you'll find a U-shaped coil which is part of the radiator or something. It helps cool things down. If someone wants to jump in and let me know what exactly this is that'd be great because right now I feel like an...
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    How-To Install the Essential Speed Stage 1&2 for your MSP

    Step Two: Remove all the Stock Stuff Step Two: Remove all the Stock Stuff This part is pretty straight forward. Just yank out all the piping. If it's black, plastic, and in the engine bay it's gotta go. Once the pipes are out be sure to plug the any openings on the turbo with some rags, you...
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    How-To Install the Essential Speed Stage 1&2 for your MSP

    Step One: Remove the Bumper Step One: Remove the Bumper This can be more complicated than necessary but hopefully I can help you out some here. First of all, you're looking to remove the FRONT bumper. The one with the headlights. You may find this guide from mazda to be slightly useful...
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    How-To Install the Essential Speed Stage 1&2 for your MSP

    Okay, after about four weeks of my life being very busy (plus I've got that medical condition that keeps me from gettin off my lazy ass, honest, I have a note from the doctor, I can prove it) here's my install of the Essential Speed Stage 1&2 Kits. First, some quick notes: When installing the...
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    essential speeds kit arrived

    got the stage 1&2, i'll post pix once i get to the install. for now it's back in the box and sitting at the office. :)
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    essential speeds kit arrived

    just got my essential speed kits on monday, lookin to install them as soon as i get a non-rainy weekend. wanted to post here cause i know some members were concerned about their orders. essential speed has been growing quite a bit in the past couple months and it's slowed down production...
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    Big dig run?

    would we be rollin with the minis or separately? if we're gonna be with the minis i'll see if my buddy (a die hard mini fan) wants to tag along.
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    Guys running snows in smaller sizes

    ya, the snows aren't primarily built for traction on dry roads, and they're certainly not built for pulling hard. i'd suggest you drive more conservatively with them on. on that note, i still drive my msp pretty hard with the blizzaks on and i may need another set before the winter is done with.
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    Big dig run?

    i'm in if it looks like this will actually happen when i look again tomorrow. if anyone's interested in headin that way from where i'm at (rte 2) or from the albany area lemme know and we can meet up when rollin out to boston.
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    Big dig run?

    Hell ya, I'm in.
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    interior A/C Lights

    Any of you guys with MSP's happen to notice what bulb is required/how difficult it would be to replace the lights behind the gauge cluster's turn signal indicators? Is this a bulb with a green film on the gauge cluster or is the bulb itself green? Thanks.