Search results

  1. G

    Remote start door shutoff bypass?

    Has anyone successfully bypassed this in the cx5?
  2. G

    Remote Starter Door Bypass?

    I would appreciate that very much, thank you.
  3. G

    Remote Starter Door Bypass?

    I must be missing something here can anyone post some detailed pictures I'm having a hard time following the PDF guide. I've also tried to remove the foot kick plates (not sure if this was on driver or passenger side) as mentioned by another user but I don't see any "loose" wiring. Also, no...
  4. G

    16 inch Winter Rim Compatibility

    Yes I had previously viewed that thread. But unless all cx5 owners had 2005 Escape steelies lying around it was very helpful for compatibility.
  5. G

    16 inch Winter Rim Compatibility

    I realize there isn't much new about the title. I have dug as deep as I can into this and I have seen the posts from the past but havent found alot of concrete information. I did however find this chart -------->...