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  1. C

    Premature Clutch Failure in 2010 6 spd Man

    hey guys once more, so i am getting the pieces rebuilt through kentucky clutch, but before i sent the parts off, i took a bunch of detailed pictures... Let me know what you guys think, I am going to go...
  2. C

    2010 Mazda 3s Clutch Help

    Clutches are only covered until 12k/12 and they WILL fight tooth and nail about it, and pretty much will tell you you're s*** out of luck. Its what I am dealing with now and I am at the point where I am pretty much going to have to sue...but everything else should be covered up to 60k I believe...
  3. C

    2010 Mazda 3s Clutch Help

    how many miles ya got? im currently driving...well not driving but owning. a Mazda 3s(2010), and the clutch went out on me with no warning... sounds like the clutch is failing though(slippage is whats going on if i remember correctly but more experienced people can correct me if im wrong), it...
  4. C

    Premature Clutch Failure in 2010 6 spd Man

    okay guys so where should i get the parts from... im stuck doing the repair, and having to wait to get reimbursed(if i win), got a call today from the dealershit telling me they are going to start charging me 25 dollars a day lot fees starting monday(which is a holiday?) *facepalm* BBB...
  5. C

    Premature Clutch Failure in 2010 6 spd Man

    haha yeah that dealership is way far away so i have no idea what they are like, but you calling baglier would be hysterical. I did contact the BBB the other day though, turns out they can mediate this whole ordeal and mazda may just outright call me and settle before it gets to mediation... so...
  6. C

    Premature Clutch Failure in 2010 6 spd Man

    So here is a copy of the email i sent the local news station, i also called another one and they were VERY interested in what i had to say My name is ________ _____, and I have been dealing with Baglier Mazda's service department for one month. My 2010 Mazda3 purchased in November broke down...
  7. C

    Premature Clutch Failure in 2010 6 spd Man

    i talked to customer assistance who said they are denying it... but i still have no proof they took pictures of my parts... im still working things out, nothing is going right, i havent been able to get a hold of the mechanics, someone to tow affordably, or any lawyers...regardless of whether i...
  8. C

    Premature Clutch Failure in 2010 6 spd Man

    anyone know if theres a class action lawsuit?... or how to go about finding one? im trying to find a lawyer who deals with these kinda issues and its proving difficult so far(referral after referral)....trying to talk to a lawyer before i go to the news. will be doing that shortly.
  9. C

    Premature Clutch Failure in 2010 6 spd Man

    well, never got to see the pictures they sent. and whoever they sent it to apparently said that the parts arent defective... Im trying to find a lawyer to help. Hopefully I can find one thats free unless I win(like Edgar Snyder although I dont believe he takes these kind of cases). Im also going...
  10. C

    Premature Clutch Failure in 2010 6 spd Man

    right now corp isnt doing anything. other than waiting to her from some district guy whos gonna see the mother and i(who is probably the scariest woman i know...) are going to the dealership in the morning and shes gonna wear her suit.. my mom is a very powerful woman and is going...
  11. C

    Premature Clutch Failure in 2010 6 spd Man

    couple pictures of the disc... didnt get any good ones of the plate...
  12. C

    Premature Clutch Failure in 2010 6 spd Man

    so get this, i finally got to take the parts to another dealership... and dun dun dun... i was right. its defective.. the pressure plate is supposedly the reason why disc got shredded...and guess what! baglier is still jerking around with me, and i caught the service manager in THREE lies just...
  13. C

    Premature Clutch Failure in 2010 6 spd Man

    this is the only *mazda ive had... the other cars mentioned were listings from other people having similar problems.. and i dont rest my foot on the clutch, after im in gear, i move it to a restspot...and they want me to take the parts to another dealer for a second opinion, they are trying to...
  14. C

    Premature Clutch Failure in 2010 6 spd Man

    so i saw the parts today. the fingers were BARELY worn at all. and the disc, was pretty much mangled, worn unevenly and had pieces falling off it, all the other parts looked fine other than being a little smoked(the disc was BADLY smoked, couldnt even tell it was metal it was so filthy, which...
  15. C

    Premature Clutch Failure in 2010 6 spd Man

    also when i start... i dont rev the engine too high. its a perfect ratio between clutch and gas.. most passengers cant even tell im driving a stick.
  16. C

    Premature Clutch Failure in 2010 6 spd Man

    if i glazed the hell out of it, then why was there no prior issues. when clutches give out due to wear there is SOME kind of warning. there was nothing. like i said i dont ride the clutch, or do any other thing bad to it. and as for other cases... how about this one...I have a 2010 3 2.5 5 door...
  17. C

    Premature Clutch Failure in 2010 6 spd Man

    not a bad idea, but i already told them to take everything apart, and then show me the parts and prove to me either way, im bringing a few mechanics with me. i think the worst part is i have no vehicle to drive atm, they were out of loaners, and unless i wanna pay like 20$ a day to rent one im...
  18. C

    Premature Clutch Failure in 2010 6 spd Man

    okay guys, so I am trying to get as much documentation as i can before i go back to the dealershit. I have absolutely loved my mazda 3 up until 3 days ago when my clutch failed at 19.5K miles. Ive only had her since November, and with the way I drive theres no way in hell the clutch should go...