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  1. T

    Drove GFX sedan...foglight issue aswell..

    I took a Silver (blah) sedan out tonight. It was auto, but still a sweet ride. They had a black one there, it looks VERY nice in black. Anyways....strong engine...nice little whirl to it. Sound almost like an RSX if you know what I mean. Steering is tighter, and less body roll then a P5. Sorry...
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    MSP, Matrix, Celica..

    I've been dead set on a MSP since last fall. Every once in a while I get these "what if's" in my head about other cars. Mini, Mazda6, RSX, etc. Now lately...I've been thinking and looking real hard at the Matrix and Celica's. They'd both be cheaper then an MSP (GT, not a GTS) and I can deal on...
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    Canadian Questions

    Just wanted to check up on the Canadian people to see if anyone has heard any new news. 1) Are we getting Silver and Blue in Canada? 2) Any news on when the first batch of the 03.5's will be arriving? 3) Should I get an Orange or Titanium? (dumb questiuon...but I havnt slept for 3 days just...
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    Ontario: Any Orange MSP's out there?

    Need help from people in Ontario or Canada aswell. My local dealer (Durham Mazda) is telling me theres no more Orange MSP's to be bought anymore and that they cant do a search to other dealers to find one possibly. Anyone heard otherwise from other dealers recently in the last week or month...
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    Spicy Orange = Vandalism???

    Does anyone get hesitant about parking theyre car in parking lots anywhere? Leaving it parked on the street at all? I just have this bad feeling about an orange car screeming to be keyed. Anyone have any problems yet?
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    Going Synthetic..?

    Just wondering what people will be doing once they hit maybe 5k kms and its warmer weather out. Not too smart when it comes to oil and such so whats the best combo for a turbo car? Also, do filters really make any difference? Some are $12 and some are $5 like Mazda' it wasted money to...