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    Applying for new position as Network Analyst.

    Is this an hourly interpretation of "Let's Get Promoted?"
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    Need New Breaks!

    There is a coupon in the phone book for Just Brakes. :)
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    Applying for new position as Network Analyst.

    With a bachelors from a 4 year univ, you get more versitility. You are able to hop fields a little bit more with ease, but the road is long. At a university, to fulfill your degree plan, for any degree, you have to take a lot of English, history, government, art/fine art, and chemistry classes...
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    Applying for new position as Network Analyst.

    Be careful about what loans you take out. Talk to financial aid counselors. The tech field was booming several years ago. The thing is that people knew that there would be a severe downturn in the economy since 1998 when things were going great but nobody wanted to listen to all the...
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    Need New Breaks!

    Hey Linux, So if you get these more expensive brakes, does that mean we don't get to go on our vacation this weekend?
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    Need New Breaks!

    You can't get anything for $5 from me, not even a smile. Looks like we can't go on vacation now since we ain't got the money and with somebody buying performance brakes, it really isn't going to happen. what about some regular brakes?
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    Applying for new position as Network Analyst.

    I am not trying to put anybody down, just giving people a dose of reality so he can make better decisions.
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    Applying for new position as Network Analyst.

    Hey Yankee, Don't go to DEVRY unless you get a bachelors. People in the tech field s*** on those who go to tech institutes. Compare the cost of Devry for 4 years =$30,000 to the cost of a public univ. =$20,000 unless you have that money, you will have to borrow it and pay it back with...
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    Need New Breaks!

    Maybe to help Linux get his brakes, I will sell naked pics of me. Let's start the bidding at $100 for just me sitting there. $250 for me doing something. he he he
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    Need New Breaks!

    B-R-A-K-E-S, not breaks! Anyways, stock brakes shouldn't wear out at 31,000 unless you just stomp on them all the time, normal slow breaking reduces wear and tear.
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    Applying for new position as Network Analyst.

    Priority is the key. If you wanted your CCNA certification, you should have been studying for it instead of working on your car or install LCD screens. Anyone as smart as you should do well with a few hours of studying, you have already studied it and just need some time to look over it...
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    Speeding, is it safe?

    Also I admit I was wrong for racing that certain person. Therefore I am not a hypocrit. Also, he is not my ex he is still around. For the ignorant, selfish individual who say street racing is cool, I hope your car combusts from the accident you will soon have or in the nearer future for your...
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    Speeding, is it safe?

    Manuel, I am from Houston. For Syz, I like being on here now not to fight with Linux anymore but to get some input on real life stuff life insurance and speeding. Some of the guys on here got good stuff. So I guess I don't have to red your harsh words anymore and think you are, well...
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    Speeding, is it safe?

    Don't read too much into it: my SUV is not meant to go any high speed at all, especially around turns. p3s and p5s go much faster. For those younger guys that are offended by my generalization, I am sorry. But in my city, full of teenagers in rice burners, and guys in their 20's, they are so...
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    Speeding, is it safe?

    Yeah, yeah yeah, all my power is down low but my vehicle wasn;t built to go high speeds. You can't blame parents for actions of people in their 20s or 30s, there are some like that who drive uncontrollable. I think this is why these irresponsible maniacs give other car fans a bad rep :)...
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    Speeding, is it safe?

    As I remember, I started this forum, I did NOT use anyone's name. I think another person has slandered me without me saying anything about them. This is to BondoBob, he has a valid point. But younger guys have these MP3s so they can race it on the street. Yes, we all speed, but not...
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    Speeding, is it safe?

    I am starting this forum because some of you think I am psycho but I have valid reasons for saying a few things. Speeding, the act of going over the speed limit. We will not use any names. I am very opposed to people who speed (over 110 mph) with young children in the car. Children have no...
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    forum soap!

    CJstringer, You obviously do not know me. Ignorant, no. Stubborn and very upset, yes.
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    Nothing in life is fair but he is not even close to being fair with me, even Monique can somewhat agree. No, he wasn't at all like this when I met him. He only started spending all of his time and money on the car in the last year. He didn't get me a mother's day girft or do anything for my...
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    To all the loser car obsessors

    You are right Kat. But the thing is Linux, my boyfriend, spends all of his money on the car. We couldn't even afford McDonald's one week because of something he got the car. Wouldn't you be frustrated too? He didn't buy me anything for last Mother's day or my birthday because he spent his...