
Burn CD's to Flash Drive

I posted this in a thread and several people liked it, so I thought I would put it here in the resources. Maybe there's others that do no know how. I have over 30 CD's "RIPPED" to the flash drive that's in my console. I would recommend getting a USB extension so it lays flat in the bottom of your console. Also, I understand the newer vehicles have 2-ports, one is dedicated for Apple/Android car play, the other is for your media device.

Link on Mazda 24/7
RIP CDs to Flash Drive from Media Player

I did this in Windows 7, Windows 10 Media Player the Options are in Rip Settings

Open Windows Media Player and Insert CD
Open Rip Settings
Change Format to MP3 or desired Format
Change Audio Options for best quality
Open Tools - then Options or More Options under Rip Settings (Win 10)
Change Location to Flashdrive ie: drive F: G: H: etc.
Press RIP CD
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