Recent content by vaMP5er

  1. V

    Need Some Suggestions

    Would using cardboard make you a ricer? Someone at VCU that parks in the Broad Street Deck (yellow p5) has a black aluminum grilled with white "teeth painted on it, to match her tiger print interior. Not my cup of tea, but it is an idea. I would go with something dark; either the stock...
  2. V

    Mazdateam-type "Iron Chef"

    nooooo, not the asparagus flan.....
  3. V

    PRO 5's Pics

    If you crash because your hands slip off the wheel your car will look like s***...
  4. V


    pilot in a past life?
  5. V

    DIY Protege Grill

    That doesn't seem like what he's talking about. Does the one in the how-to involve mesh?
  6. V

    Best gauge setup ever!

    I love it.....but it does look like a fighter jet.
  7. V

    World of Warcraft

    I used to play about 80hrs a week on Illidian, Skullcrusher, and Stonemaul. It got to the point where I wouldn't sleep, eat, or talk to anyone. Finally I had to quit.
  8. V

    MAM aluminum interior

    Anyone remember this project? I got my new door lock bezel, but were any other pieces every made? any plans to?
  9. V

    Lotus in Durham

    Friend's dad bought one...very very fun.
  10. V

    Where can I get this peice?

    Let us know what they charge you. I'd be interested to know if for no other reason than reassuring the fact that "stealership" is still an accurate name.
  11. V

    Turbo possibly

    It seemed alsost everyone was doing it about 8 months ago or so. There must be threads still archived, try the seach (not being an ass about search, but it will help)
  12. V

    What in the world???

    (lol) Haha, ouch.
  13. V

    Neon Question

    Sweet! I made a beer pong table kinda like that. Used plywood and pressured treated lumber to make a regular table, then use more lumber to make something my girlfriend called a "shadow box", then covered the top in plexiglas. The neons inside looked great. *Edit - I used one of those $30...
  14. V

    LCD screens built into headlights

    If they project onto a screen then theyd be awesome (not that I'd ever buy em) but if not I hate em.
  15. V

    LCD screens built into headlights

    Does that project it onto a projector screen?