Recent content by mpsnightkid

  1. M

    New Guy, Pics of my miata

    Yeah, an suv hit me. he ran a light and smacked right into me, then he ran, the cops came they were super cool, they confirmed it was a hit and run, now im dealing with my insurance. The car is repairable though, they estimated about $4,600 in damages. Im taking it this week to a friends body...
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    New Guy, Pics of my miata

    its smst=street mod street tire, and she does amazing in auto-x's I'm not doing anything to the motor yet(its completely stock) till i know ive taken this car to its limit and back. then maybe ill get a supercharger. Yea i love the fact im never the designated driver!! most of my four-dour...
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    New Guy, Pics of my miata

    As much as i would love to keep the speed and miata, School+two car payments=Broke, but like i said I would love to keep both. Btw-the seats are cobra seats, and I had to fab the drivers one to fit.
  4. M

    had a new miata follow me home last night

    100% agree look a ton better in person, Did any of you guys get to drive one yet at Zoom Zoom Live? Tons funner to drive then look at.
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    New Guy, Pics of my miata

    My name is Josh I live in orlando, I also own a Mazdaspeed Protege(which is for sale in the for sale section), then was converted to miata lover. Any locals here in Orlando Fl? I seriously didnt even notice the miata section, I thought this was a protege forum only,lol. anyways: Heres a few...
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    I had that same problem in my msp, and in my friends. It was something to do with the alarm, like a few people said. Just lock, arm, unlock make sure everything is closed. Its weird but its a common problem with some msp's.
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    2003.5 Mazdaspeed Protege 14,500

    Mods, you can delete this, I put it in the right place, sorry- thank you-Josh
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    2003.5 Mazdaspeed Protege 14,500

    Hi, not sure if this is the right place to post this but i couldnt find a place for msp for sale, reason for sell: Im broke and cant pay two payments on two cars. I also have a miata, so the speed's gotta go. Info: its got about 32k on it. I service it at the dealer, oil changes...
  9. M

    FS:03.5 Mazdaspeed protege

    seriously,i couldn't have said it better,it seems like every where you go in fl people are wanting this car and are paying alot for them now sense they are slowly becoming very hard to find down here.
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    FS:03.5 Mazdaspeed protege

    you guys must live in awesome states!! I've researched the price for the mazdaspeed protege in my area and the cheapest one is like 16,00-16,500 for a 03.5 and the highest price is like 18,500. im not trying to rip people off,thats just the price ive seen them go for down here.
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    FS:03.5 Mazdaspeed protege

    you paid 16k for yours brand new? your one hell of a car buyer,if you talked the dealer way below invoice. I want your kind of deals-josh
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    FS:03.5 Mazdaspeed protege

    low 13's ha maybe in your state,ive actually already gotten offers for 16k but im holding out. i Dont plan on selling the car on this board,i just thought id put it up anyways just in case-thanks for the feedback though-josh
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    FS:03.5 Mazdaspeed protege

    well thats why im accepting offers. i also have the extended warranty to 70xxx
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    FS:03.5 Mazdaspeed protege

    Im selling my 2003.5 titanium grey mazdaspeed protege why are you selling?-im moving out and just bought a miata How many miles you say? the car currenlty has 31,xxx will you go lower? I might,entertain me with your offers warranty? well thanks for asking,the car has a extended 70,xxx...
  15. M

    kinda new here

    hey whats up im kinda new here,was just wondering if there where any speeds here in orlando?i just got mine 3 days ago,i use to drive a black 02 si,but that got totaled so i bought a speed!just wondering if you guys have any meets comin up?