Recent content by giraffe

  1. G

    Trying to decide between Copper Red Mica or Icy Blue

    No more electric blue? Ouch!! That color helped sell me on my car!!
  2. G

    Will Not Be Getting Another CX7

    motopilot and pi1: Do you guys have the FWD version or the AWD version? I can't go more than 260-270 miles on my gas tank without the light going on.
  3. G

    I'm depressed.....

    I don't mod or race my CX. I just think it's a fun and beautiful car - and no matter how bad my day at work is, I can always count on the sight of my CX waiting in the parking lot to cheer me up! I like this forum, because it's full of people who love their CXs as much as (or more than) I love...
  4. G

    Ufo Hit My Cx-7

    Awww man, I'm so sorry to hear about the damage. What terrible luck. Your insurance will prob cover it (hopefully w/o a rate hike) but that's still a bad break. I hope the repair process is quick and painless. And I'm glad you weren't hurt.
  5. G

    Very odd - Auto Start ~Locked in Keys???

    Happened to me this AM. Hit remote start, went downstairs, unlocked all the doors, put my purse (wallet, keys, cellphone) took out my scraper and went to work. A few minutes later, the engine shut off and I found the car locked. Containing my car key. My apartment key. And any means I had for...
  6. G

    I am a moron. Any suggestions?

    Thanks guys. I suppose I will follow the wisdom of my fellow CX'ers and get some references for good (and CHEAP) body shops in the area. If it's too much, I'll just save up for a couple months and then do the repair. *sigh* Despite the damage, she still looks good, tho :)
  7. G

    I am a moron. Any suggestions?

    Hello fellow CX-7ers. I am a moron and was driving after being kept awake on call overnight. I drove over a huge frozen chunk of ice and in the process, dented the bottom of my driver's side door, and knocked off the black plastic things running along the bottom of the front and back driver's...
  8. G

    Why I Love This Color: Reason No. 127

    Wow, that's a beautiful picture. You're so right on the variability of colors. I wish they had a blue that did that (just 'cause I'm personally partial to blue!), but you have one great looking car!
  9. G

    The Black Destiny

    I named my CX-7 Electra, because she is electric blue and very sexy. Everybody in my family names their cars - it's fun!
  10. G

    New CX-7 Electric Blue owner!

    heehee. I drove 4 hours to find a dealer with the electric blue + sand interior. You have very good taste :-D
  11. G

    Check engine light

    Yesterday I got my first CEL at just under 4000 miles - checked the gas cap and of course that didn't put out the light (and I drove the car about 200 miles yesterday). Guess I have to call the dealership today and pray they can fix it tomorrow (because Weds I start my IM rotation which means...
  12. G

    Checking out

    Beat ya to it!
  13. Med School Graduation 015.jpg

    Med School Graduation 015.jpg

  14. G

    trading in my 03 Rav-4 for Cx-7 :]

    It drives like a beaut in the rain. And I love taking it on long-distance trips. You are going to have so much fun! When you pick it up, make sure the TSBs have been done (they will vary depending on when your car was made, but may include ECU flash, door seals, etc - I think there's a thread...
  15. G

    trading in my 03 Rav-4 for Cx-7 :]

    Wow, I have the exact same car, only in AWD, and I paid a little over $30K. Sounds like you're getting a great deal to me! Congratulations and welcome to CX-land. I almost bought the RAV-4 myself, but now I'm glad I didn't! The Mazda is too much fun (even if it is a little too thirsty).