2017 CX-5 Cargo liner for dogs

Not one that covers back seats folded down. But I have this

MidWest Pet Barrier Wire Mesh Car Barrier https://www.amazon.com/dp/ (commissions earned)

And this

Cargo Liner, Alfheim Dog Cargo Liner for SUV, Universal Fit for Any Animal. Durable Liner Covers and Protects Your Vehicle https://www.amazon.com/dp/ (commissions earned)

And then just last week got the Mazda OEM rubber cargo liner to go on top of the amazon liner.

Works great, I highly recommend the rubber liner as it's grippy and it covers the side pocket areas near the hatch, and makes it way easier to clean hair.

Throw a doggy bed from Costco on top, and you're good to go.

I have two dogs, a big lab/mastiff mix and corgi mix, and they both fit in the cargo area with rear seats up.

EDIT: now that I think of it, you can use the amazon one I linked above with the rear seats down.. since it it straps to the headrests and covers the whole back of back seats. Didn't think about that till now, I'll have to try it sometime and move the barrier closer to the front seats to give the doggos some more room.
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How do you like the MidWest barrier? Does it secure well? Does it rattle? Of all the barriers I looked at on Amazon, seems like those 2 complaints is listed on every one. Travelall is not available yet, and kinda pricey. But I know those two issues will bug me.
How do you like the MidWest barrier? Does it secure well? Does it rattle? Of all the barriers I looked at on Amazon, seems like those 2 complaints is listed on every one. Travelall is not available yet, and kinda pricey. But I know those two issues will bug me.

It's been really great, no it doesn't rattle if you secure it well enough -- but i followed one of the amazon reviewers' advice and bought a $3-4 foam insulation tube from HD to go on top, to both dampen the vibes and protect headliner. only complaint would be that it can slip on the bottom, depending on the material it sits on. but now with the mazda rubber cargo liner beneath it, doesn't slip at all.
Thanks for the tips. I ordered one and going to get the pipe insulation now. Looking at it for a test fit, I doesn't even look like the side pieces are needed on the CX-5. Did you use yours? Or do I need to move the middle pieces closer together?
The OEM soft liner is what I use to keep the dog hair off the carpet and the back of the seats. I wish we could get the full cargo liner they have over in japan that is a hard rubber, much like the cargo liner is but with panels that cover the rear seat backs.
Yes, it sticks to the carpeting with velcro. There are straps to attach the top to the rear seat headrests.
Nice but does not include the bumper protection flap that the OEM Mazda cargo liner has. Also, more expensive than Mazda liner.

I am also a huge fan of canvas back. If you look on the site, the flap is a universal piece and is available.

I looked and I suppose they are under the models becaus of the width. Still, they are not really model specific beyond that. If you shoot them an email, they can supply a flap I am sure.

This li shows how it is a separate piece that just goes under the floor section.
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I'm using the Mazda accessory cover, but Buddy travels in a crate that gives him padding and keeps him from flying into the front seats. ;-)

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