Conti TrueContact vs Pirelli CINTURATO P7 ALL SEASON PLUS 225/55R19


Mazda CX-5 GT 2013
I'm finally replacing my OE Toyo tires and I'd love some feedback of the Contis vs the Pirellis.

2013 cx5 GT. I put about 20k a year on the car 90 miles highway each week day. I'm not gentle on my car and have a moderately heavy foot. Fuel efficiency is important but handling is too. I live in New England so being able to handle snow is good. My research and reviews I've read have me thinking these tires are pretty similar, but I'd appreciate any feedback/personal experience y'all want to share.

I just bought the Cont True Contacts and am happy so far. I HATED the Toyos. Thought they rode WAY too hard, and they absolutely sucked in the snow, especially when turning. I narrowed my choice down the Cont True Contacts and Pirelli P7s, because they were the highest rated on Tirerack. The reviews seemed to give the edge in snow to the Conts, as well as they're warranty being a bit longer, so I went with them. I worked with a local dealer here outside of Philly, and got the out the door price at $889- for everything (4 tires, mounting, balancing, recycle fees,road hazard and tax).
I put the True Contacts on my 2013 GT. I liked the Toyos, they made over 53,000 for me. The Cont seemed a bit quitter compared to worn Toyos but my mileage did drop about 1 mpg which could be due to the thicker tread and larger tire size with full tread vs. tread at the wear bars. I was unable to tell much difference in handling but they seemed to make less noise and took big bumps with less impact to the car. I only drove them 5000 before I transferred the car to my son but would buy again.
I put the True Contacts on my 2013 GT. I liked the Toyos, they made over 53,000 for me. The Cont seemed a bit quitter compared to worn Toyos but my mileage did drop about 1 mpg which could be due to the thicker tread and larger tire size with full tread vs. tread at the wear bars. I was unable to tell much difference in handling but they seemed to make less noise and took big bumps with less impact to the car. I only drove them 5000 before I transferred the car to my son but would buy again.

I would expect the TrueContacts would give a noticeable improvement in mpg compared to the A23s. The A23s is a performance tire. The TrueContact is an 'Eco' tire optimized for mpg. I'm also surprised that you got 53,000 out of the Toyos.

Going from worn tires to brand new tires always provide a positive experience in terms of quietness and bump absorption. Old, worn tires are noisy and harsh compared to brand new tires. I'm not sure about mpg difference due to wear but your assessment seems very plausible.
I'm finally replacing my OE Toyo tires and I'd love some feedback of the Contis vs the Pirellis.

2013 cx5 GT. I put about 20k a year on the car 90 miles highway each week day. I'm not gentle on my car and have a moderately heavy foot. Fuel efficiency is important but handling is too. I live in New England so being able to handle snow is good. My research and reviews I've read have me thinking these tires are pretty similar, but I'd appreciate any feedback/personal experience y'all want to share.

I live in Central NY.. have you considered a combo snow tire/wheel? Whatever 4 season tire you buy will not be able to handle heavy snow and ice. This way you can buy a higher performance summer tire/wheel. Sure there's upfront cost, but you can't discount the security and provided mobility over the winer months.

I've gotten 65K out of my Toyos. Currently at 65430 and counting... thus the need for new tires.
Going from worn tires to brand new tires always provide a positive experience in terms of quietness and bump absorption. Old, worn tires are noisy and harsh compared to brand new tires.

If comparing the same tires, true. If not, it will vary depending on the two tires being compared. It's not unheard of for people to select tires with a less compliant sidewalk or louder tread/sidewall design.l

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