Total blasphemy!

2016.5 CX-5 GT AWD titanium/black 2016 Miata Club ST MT white
This from an article in Jalopnik

10 Cars That Always Get Ruined By Their Owners

Miatas are great, but their owners, not so much. My colleague Stef Schrader can explain.

Sure, I know a lot of nice owners, but they preach about these dumb little cars so much that they put the Mormons and the Jehovah’s Witnesses both to shame.

I would rather hear an in-depth discussion of butt cancer than I would anything about a Miata. Doing cool stuff with the Miata, awesome! Useful mods you’re doing, neat! Hooning the crap out of it because you can, of course! They’re decent to drive, but that just means that they were built to a purpose as well as a beige Corolla was for commuting. The Miata IS the beige Corolla of track beaters.

There is no deader horse in existence today than “let me talk about how great the Miata is.”

Psst: When I say I need a roof, I don’t mean one that can be plucked off of the car. I mean a real, solid, permanently attached roof because I don’t want a convertible, period. The habit of answering “Miata” to every car conundrum has been dragged out so long that it’s not even funny anymore. It’s just irritating.

Admit it: it’s rarely the answer, Miata folks. You’re all just trying too hard to cling onto a joke that used to be clever.

I don't know who Stef Schrader is but I don't think that I like her very much. lol
i will bet a million dollars that during the course of her enduring the numerous times (unlikely) she has had to listen to a miata owner "preach about these dumb little cars," she has never had the nads to challenge them when they are extolling the virtues of owning one. this is someone who is trying to make a splash in journalism because she is a nobody in that world. i won't spend another minute thinking about her or her purposeless slam-piece about people who own a certain kind of car. think about how small and useless someone's life must be to attack a group of people because they are passionate about something.

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