su tmic fix


2007 Mazdaspeed 6
ok guys talked to mark today from is what he said

"My prototype is going to be here this weekend!!!!! Finally!!! Once this test fitment is done, I can have the production started so it may be 3-4 more weeks at the most. We are almost there!!! Spread the good news."

this is supposed to replace the intercoolers that were sold to people that are having problems with the broken tabs and there rear hose not fitting right.
I think they're very similar. If those front brackets wouldn't have failed, I'd still have it. Also the fitment for the rear tube is much better on the ETS.
The new SU should be real nice. I just couldn't wait.
Well SU lost my support. If they were honest it would be one thing but I was told face to face 2 times that they would be in by the end of the month. Those were lies and complete bs. SU has always had good service and mark is great but im through with them.
also im gonna add that he has told me time and time again that it will be at the end of some months...its really not his fault...he and su are just the middle guys...i am sure the company making the tmic were also pulling them along as well..its not like su is actually making them in dont go hating on su just yet.
for those that didnt know, I believe CPE is the one making these intercoolers designed for SU. So SU just goes by what they are telling them
i wrote to mark today regarding the is what i got back

The prototype fit very well and I gave the go ahead for the casting company to finish the units. We are behind schedule and I am sorry, but I am doing everything possible. this is not a repeat of before.

I am promising perfect fitment and unbreakable construction so I want to deliver. You are still on my list for immediate replacement .

Here is a picture of the 3d print for it.

As for time, deadlines have been given for the 30th of October, which I am trying hard to meet. If you have any concerns you got my number


Hey Smokey, I'll keep my fingers crossed that they stick to October 30th. Did he mention anything about a price drop?
Well guys, I am in the same boat. I shipped back my TMIC 2 weeks ago because of the front tabs breaking, bought it in Feb. of this year, and he told me the 2nd or 3rd week in October. Just emailed him 2day and now it is the 1st week of November. Not very happy. SU knew about this problem awhile ago and just recently trying to develop a new one? Not Cool!!!!
Yep I agree very annoying. What got me the most is I was told (face to face) twice that I should expect the new one by the end of the month (like 3 months ago) when they knew well that they hadn't even started thinking about it.

It should be here soon though super. I saw the prototype so its actually in development. People are still buying the old TMIC's and posting good feedback lol. I bet none of them know their tabs are broken.
i have a su tmic too and my tabs broke too... i bought mines in feburary and they broke in like may or june. i contacted them and mark told me to send it back in and they will put new reinforce tabs on. it fits great and i had no problems since but the rear tube fitment is annoying and my tube is stretch out and not even round anymore.
well ohh damn make sure to let mark know. he will be happy to switch out the tmic you have now with the new one when it comes in...i am in the same boat as you with the rear inlet hose kinking...hopefully the company making the tmic will come through for us and it will be ready by the end of this month!

supergoose just fyi its not su making the tmic...its another company..they are just the suppliers of the try not to get too upset at su for it! if they were the ones making the tmic it would of been fixed a long time ago. they have been nothing but helpful when fixing the issues with the tabs breaking and trying there hardest to push this company to fix the kink...all we can do is wait till it comes out...hopefully everyone will be happy when it does!

sallyspeed no mention off the price drop sorry lol.
My rear tube is kinked so bad. It looks like its going to slide off the IC hot pipe any second. Hopefully I don't have to buy one of those boost tubes.

Looks like im kissing my warranty goodbye nowadays. If something happens to my car its going to take a full day of me and my stepdad reverting to stock. Getting ready for medschool I don't have time to scratch my balls /:. Knock on wood though because my cars been running great.
come on circle9 lets be real...last post you talked about talking to mark about your return...which was on 07-09-2009 saying

"I just talked to Mark, he said he doesn't have the "prototype" in yet. I told him I was sending the broken one back and he is going to refund me my money."

now 3 months is still way too long and since your most likely paid with a credit card/checking card its not hard to get someone on the phone to refund it because its a very simple either the is an underlying problem here or your just not taking much of an initiative to get your money back?
I have been bugging Mark for quite sometime actually:

Around the middle of the month, I send in my broken TMIC in for a refund I give it a week to ship. Then I e-mailed Mark for an update near the end of that month, here is his response: "We need you credit card number, as we no longer have it, or the right one anymore." So I sent the information to Mark immediately. He acknowledged receipt of my information and told me to give it a few business days.

A week later, no refund, so I called Mark, and here's the reply: "We will have to cut you a check because we are unable to refund it back to your card, it should go out by the end of next week." So I gave it TWO weeks, and nothing.

So after giving them another week, I e-mail Mark yet again: "The check should be going out this week. My boss has to write them and I believe hell be doing all the fuel pump core refunds as well as yours here in the next day or so." At this time, My parent get a divorce and I am involved in a lot of the legal issues concerning possible "domestic abuse", all in all, it ******* blows. I also had to move during this time, care for my younger brothers, and sell my car while waiting for the dust to settle. It was probably 3 weeks before I got back to Mark.

So Saturday of last week I sent a e-mail to Mark, and this is what I get on Tuesday: "I see it hasnt been done yet. Im going to print this email and leave it on the desk to make sure it gets sent out ASAP." On top of waiting for my refund, Mark first made me wait for 2 - 3 months for the "revised version" to come out so I could trade mine in for one.

I still don't have a refund, and I'll once again, give it until next week before I call again. I constantly give out refunds to customers, literally it can be in their bank account by that afternoon or the very next day. And if a check has to be mailed, the get it withing 2 - 3 business days. I also will call them to make sure that they got their refund. It may not be Mark's fault, but rather his "supervisor's" fault.

are the probs with the su-tmic actually solved, or not yet???

both front brackets broke too on mine!!! and the fitment of the hose on the hot side is just a horror!!!

i just send it back to the dealer where i bought it and its going to be replaced for a new one within the next days.

was there any other thing to go better with the 3" su-core, than with an ets???? cause ets was my next option, if the new one from su was sh** again!! (glare)

kindly regards
yup call street unit up and let them know of what happened and they will get you the new and improved fixed tmic. both the tabs and the hot pipe are now fixed. i was going to post when i got my intercooler on showing the fix.