Guide How to remove the overhead console ambient light on 2016+ CX-9

2018 CX-9 GT
This is a DIY How-To to shut off the overhead console ambient light for those that find it too bright and distracting but still want to keep the rest of the ambient lighting on. I just completed this and have not fully tested the result yet. Will update the post if I find any unwanted effect. When done right this procedure is 100% reversible.

This process was documented/photographed by myself, using my crappy cellphone camera and my 2018 Mazda CX-9 GT as the "demo" vehicle. This DIY is provided as a learning aid and reference guide. I assume no responsibility for any warranties this process may void, or damages you may inflict on yourself or your vehicle. (Thanks sm1ke for the disclaimer)


1. Remove the overhead console. The overhead console is held in place at the front by two screws hidden inside the sunglasses holder, and at the back by 2 clips. For step 1 use a phillips screwdriver to remove the 2 screws, be careful not to drop them and loose them.


2. Gently lower the front of the overhead console (it might be slightly stuck in the roof liner material. Once it clears the roof liner, move the overhead console down and forward to free the rear clips from the roof.


3. The overhead console should be hanging from the roof by three cables, you can leave these cables connected for the rest of the procedure. The ambient lighting LED is located towards the rear of the overhead console and is connected to the overhead console by a black and a white wire travelling towards the middle of the overhead console where it is connected through a white connector covered by a felt. (My fingers in the photo points to the ambient LED at the bottom and the connector at the top).


4. All you need to do is to disconnect the white connector that is under the grey felt. There is a clip on the connector that needs to be pressed to disengage it. It is easier to disconnect if the grey felt is lifted and if black and the white wire are free from the path guides first (the little clips routing the cable.)

5. Leave the connector unplugged and secure it in a location to prevent unwanted rattle and reassemble in reverse holder.

Option 2: You can also use a phillips screwdriver to completely remove the LED at step 4. it is only held in place by 1 screw (silver screw in the photo). I did it at first and it made freeing the white and the black wire easier but did not like the hole that was left in the overhead console without it so I decided to put it back in place and leave it disconnected instead.

Very simple procedure. Hope this helps those that were struggling with the bright overhead console ambient light.


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Great write-up youri! This might also serve a double purpose for those wanting/needing to replace the map light assembly. The pictures provide an excellent reference. Looks like if you wanted to replace the map light assembly, you would simply unclip the bigger white connector and possibly one other connector that isn't shown. (y)
Thanks! You are correct, there are three cables connected to the overhead console. I removed 2 out of 3 during my install, the last one was harder to reach and pull out so I decided to leave it in, but once disconnected the entire overhead console would be free from the roof.
Hey I’m looking at doing this but can’t seem to find the back two screws. I see the ones in the sunglasses holder but where are the other 2?
Thanks for the inspiration! I was all set to disconnect my overhead light, following your writeup, as I also hate how bright it is when I remembered that I have some LED light blocking stickers (block 70%-80% I believe) and applied one over the light. It's just about perfect at night - no glare from the overhead light and there is still enough of a glow that it's not completely dark. The light blocking sticker is somewhat visible during the day if you're looking for it, but disappears at night.
Hey I’m looking at doing this but can’t seem to find the back two screws. I see the ones in the sunglasses holder but where are the other 2?

Sorry! That was a typo, it should have said 2 tabs. There are only 2 screws to remove. I have edited the how-to to prevent further confusion.
Thanks for the inspiration! I was all set to disconnect my overhead light, following your writeup, as I also hate how bright it is when I remembered that I have some LED light blocking stickers (block 70%-80% I believe) and applied one over the light. It's just about perfect at night - no glare from the overhead light and there is still enough of a glow that it's not completely dark. The light blocking sticker is somewhat visible during the day if you're looking for it, but disappears at night.
I almost went the same route, but didn’t have any on hand and didn’t really want to buy a full pack of it for it. I also was concerned about the final look, glad to see it worked out for you.

Someone else also mentionned they used 2 coat with a sharpie to darken it and it was sufficient for them, but still visible.
I’ll be opening mine up this weekend and putting a piece of tint in front of the light. Will try different levels of darkness first without taking apart then I plan on taking the light out. Tint on top and reinstall. Keep it looking clean is my goal.
Thank you everyone
Hey everyone. I took it apart and took the light out and put a piece of tint on top of the light. I was trying 15%,20%,30%. I decided on 30% as it made it really comfortable on the eyes. 15% and 20% made it too dark for me however some of you who disabled your light would probably like 15% as it gives it a little glow and keeps a OE look. I tried taking pictures however it’s too hard to take pictures of lights to show the difference in the tint. This was super simple. Two screws from sunglasses holder and pull down and towards windshield. Then one screw holding light cover. Then push up on light from other side and pull out and tint. Just really need it to be smooth over the light part that is visible. The other areas you don’t need to make perfect. Then do reverse and put it back together and enjoy!!
Great! I am glad it worked. As you said that’s a good alternative for those who still wants a bit of that glow.
After a 30 min drive I can say it greatly helps. I can have it on bright and won’t bother me. I prefer mid as the doors are too bright then. Best of all the tint was free. It was scraps from my local tint shop. There is so much wasted tint when doing the windows that they have a bunch left over. Keep that in mind before going out to spend any money.
Nice can disable the ambient lighting entirely in the settings so this guide is good if you need to replace it but is a more trouble than it's worth if you simply want to disable it. It's under "lighting" in the settings.
Carfo, I was going to say the same thing. I picked up a 17 sig last week and it was driving me nuts. Was going through the settings and saw ambient lighting or something like that. Turned it off and boom it was gone.
Good clarification. This guide is for those that want to keep ambient lighting on except for the overhead light. I like it everywhere else except for that overhead light which i found very distracting.