Clock incorrect after car was driven and parked by Valet


Background first: I have to park my car with valet at my office building as that is the parking option that our company gave. I have no choice.

Curious if anyone can help with this. I've noticed on two different instances recently when my car was driven by a valet that when I got my car back at the end of the day the clock was incorrect. And it seems to be stuck between 10:40-10:50am both times and then corrects itself once I start driving. I just find it odd. I have owned this car for over five years and this has never happened. Could there be any reason behind this that my clock would be wrong?
I just had my battery replaced last year and I had my battery tested and the battery is good.
Any thoughts? I really do not like having my car valeted but I can't park anywhere else due to street permits, and this is only location i can park.
My car is parked in a garage at home and at work, so it's out of line of sight from satellites a lot. I've noticed some occasional odd behavior by the infotainment system, especially Sirius not loading, which I attribute to garaging. Sorry for not providing a solution, but you're not alone
that might make more sense, with the garaging as I only started parking in a garage for work in the last few months that goes several levels deep below ground. Maybe the car was parked on the very ground level of the garage and lost satellite connection.
that might make more sense, with the garaging as I only started parking in a garage for work in the last few months that goes several levels deep below ground. Maybe the car was parked on the very ground level of the garage and lost satellite connection.

I wonder whether Mazda's GPS and DST elements require connectivity ... and when lost it somehow affects the time. As you say, it could make sense, particularly if the clock auto-resets itself (apparently once above-ground for a minute or so).
The clock should manage itself until told to change. It does not require constant connection.
My understanding is that the CX gets its time information from the phone, it syncs up and gets the time information.

I would think that the phone would have to be paired with the car in order to grab that information.

Check the connected Bluetooth list on your infotainment system for any 'strange' phones that have been paired. Perhaps the valet was messing where he/she shouldn't have been messing?
I'm sitting here still trying to wrap my head around a GPS enabled clock.

Why the complexity? Is it really so hard to hit a M and S button to set it yourself?

You're not seriously asking that question, are you? :ROFLMAO:
I'm sitting here still trying to wrap my head around a GPS enabled clock.

Why the complexity? Is it really so hard to hit a M and S button to set it yourself?

Automatically converts when crossing "time" borders. Easily done manually, obviously. But more easily accomplished by the car itself, if set. Just another feature, which some might appreciate.
Our 2019 car is very wonky when using the GPS sync. The clock DOES lose it's time when starting up, and other things are wonky as I recall. What WE do is disable GPS sync in general, but if the times change or the clock gets a couple minutes fast/slow, we enable GPS until the clock corrects itself (usually almost immediately) then disable it again until next time it's needed. Works great.

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