almost done......


Sweetest Car Ever
heres a pic of my fiberglass box as of 2nite. its all bondo'd up and sanded, and it was ALOT of sandin. i used about a whole gallon of bondo to get out all the low spots and u can still see a little FG where it was really high. gonna prime it tomorrow. threw in one of the first pics too just so u could see.


  • box7.jpg
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  • box1.jpg
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damn, nice work...I plan on doin sumthin like that...but my audio is lookin like the last priority now.

props on the box building skeeelz (thumb)
Damn, I wish I could do s*** like that. I'm pretty sure i inherited my dad's skill at manufacturing... His most famous piece was a custom TV stand made of scrap lumber and spikes. The recurring comment people had was, "your TV looks like it's about to fall over. Is that thing gonna hold?"

Nice work, man! (bowdown)
Give us a straight on shot so we can see the symmetry of it. Looks good so far. Good luck finishing it, cant wait to see it. I want to do something with my car just need to find the time. It will be my first go with fiberglass, but i just want something that tucks in the passenger side rear wheel well to make it flush. 1, 10" should suit my fancy.
looks pretty good. gotta love fg=). i had just finished my fg boxes for my protege when it got totalled, so now im going to have to do one for the 3 as well. but anyways, good job. what color are you going to finish it with?
ill put up a new pic when i get one. im gonna paint it to match the car, winning blue. this is my first time ever using fiber glass, and its easier then i thought it would be, i asked a few people on here how they made theirs and just ran with it. i wanted ta make one that took up the whole trunk but i changed my mind cuz i had to be able to take it out to make it. plus i didnt wanna loose my spare tire and jack just YET, im sure that stuff will come out eventually.thanks for the positive comments, ill post pics when i get it done. (eekdance)
im trying to figure out how to make one thats removeable and still keep my spare as well. i think im going to relocate the spare to the left side of the trunk and put my sub enclosure in the part that the spare used to sit in. that way i can still have a spare, removeable box, and use the rest of my trunk if i do it right.
Or you can do what a few of my friends do and that is make a mount point on the back of the custom box and mount the spare on the back, which will be in between the box and the rear passenger seat. that way it's concealed for show quality, yet easily accessible in an emergency. or make a custom mount and put it the same location.
the only thing that sucks about this car is that the trunk opening is so small, so it the opening from the back seat. i dont know if you would be able to mount the tire on the back of a box just cuz its so short, i dont know tho, i never really thought of that. mine wasnt planned out all that well, i just started cuttin wood and makin it up as i oh well, i guess if i decide i dont like it i can sell it to someone and make a new one. (headbang)