Where do you draw the line between avoiding the subject

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This is my ranting and raving about certain things that bother me.

Yeah, I do stupid, psychotic, non-normal stuff, but I am at the point where I can NOT lose anything. I have no kind of happiness, gratitude for anyone, or satisfaction from life anymore.

Issue #1. If someone brings up an important issue with you and then leaves you hanging and refuses to talk about it anymore, what are you suppose to do? Let the issue linger for weeks?

Issue #2. Is it right to masturbate to porn? There is a certain member of this board, and others also, that do this and think it is ok.
asianhottie said:
This is my ranting and raving about certain things that bother me.

Yeah, I do stupid, psychotic, non-normal stuff, but I am at the point where I can NOT lose anything. I have no kind of happiness, gratitude for anyone, or satisfaction from life anymore.

Issue #1. If someone brings up an important issue with you and then leaves you hanging and refuses to talk about it anymore, what are you suppose to do? Let the issue linger for weeks?

Issue #2. Is it right to masturbate to porn? There is a certain member of this board, and others also, that do this and think it is ok.

The fact that you cannot lose anything should have no bearing whatsoever on you acting like a psycho. You are responsible for your own actions, and you are choosing to act that way, no one else is responsible for that behavior.

#1. Look at what you wrote first about being a psycho. How in the world could someone communicate with you if they think you are going to freak out all the time. Also, it seems like if you don't get the answers you are looking for you freak out as well. This would be a no-win situation for the person who you are trying to "communicate" with.

#2. Trying to find fault in someone else, when you have your own problems is usually the wrong way to go about it. Try a little self-reflection, figure out why you are acting so irrational, and for crying out loud get some medical help. You worrying about somebody jacking off, isn't going to help you at all. Looking for sympathy here is also probably not the best thing to do. Whatever form of A.D.D. you have must thrive on the attention, but it is still really unhealthy.

Anyways, you asked for opinions, so theres mine. I think you need to go and get checked out at the Dr. and see if you can get some help medically, or at least with some therapy. Take care of yourself first, and then worry about making it work with someone else. Get some help for the kid's sake at least.
Damn woman you need help. I think we all have some sort of problem every now and then. Some serious, some not. But usually take them to the source. We all bring our Mazda Protege issues here because it's relevant. Other minor issues because they may be funny or educational. But if I have a personal problem with my wife or family, I discuss it with my WIFE or FAMILY. Why? Because that's the right thing to do. If it doesn't work, proceed to a doctor or laywer or someone close to you that can actually do something or at least keep issues semi-private. I haven't seen anyone come on here airing your dirty laundry. At least not until it is required in some sort of personal defense.


Have a nice day.
You are doing it again Sapril...I find some days you are well behaved and others you get way out of hand. Don't make me feel that I've made a mistake in ever defending you. If you want to air personal issues, I'll continue to edit/delete what I see as inappropriate. Believe me when I say it's not a personal attack against you, I'd do the same to anybody.
asianhottie said:
Is it right to masturbate to porn?

Well, then there I think you have to define "right".

Legally speaking, there is no issue with it. If it is a function of religion, it probably depends on your own personal faith. I have remind that what is right for some is wrong for others.

I will counter with this question:

Is it right to impose your own moral values on others?

One thing I know for sure... If someone in particular would spend more time pumpin' his man junk to porn instead of knocking you up, then you'd have 1 less thing between the two of you, and the rest of us wouldn't have to hear your crap!

BigBlue - I know your type... In a way I can get like that too. You see someone misguided, and you know that they are confused. You see potential, and it's hard to stay distant because you think you can help. It's the paternal instinct. It comes out in some of us when we see the damsel in distress. I'm not saying your wrong. Offer a shoulder or some calm condolences to AH, she needs it. But man... you'd better be careful with that one.
It's how I am with people regardless of their sex...I am a very calm person and can just sit there and listen to people....often when people have problems they want to tell you...they aren't really looking for solutions as much as just an ear to listen to them.
Re: Re: Where do you draw the line between avoiding the subject

Brubeck said:

I will counter with this question:

Is it right to impose your own moral values on others?

Not to pick nits, but deciding that it's "right" or "wrong" to impose moral standards is in and of itself the imposition of a moral standard. Having morals about morals IS morals (I think). The decision then as to whether something is right or wrong will eventually be sourced from an absolute outside of the moral system. To say that something must or mustn't be done because of personal preference, convenience, expedience, effeciency, etc. while still being a motive piece of the system just places you on a murky continuum that offers neither guidance, comfort, nor predictability, and those are the very reasons why rules are applied at all.

I chased a rabbit there, sorry, and I'm out.
Perditon, are you a politician? Man, and to think I came here to learn more about my car, now we're getting lessons in morality. (JK)
Well, as for me, I've never cared to be "politically correct" or worry about morality on about any topic. I have opinions that I'm not afraid to share. I don't care if anyone really agrees, and I don't really try to press them upon people, but I put them out there. If you don't like them, that's fine, but you're probably wrong. :)
How ya like them apples! :D
There is more to life than a car.

If you don't like what he has to say, fine. but don't mess with him about his beliefs. you can always try to teach someone something.
Re: Re: Where do you draw the line between avoiding the subject

Brubeck said:

One thing I know for sure... If someone in particular would spend more time pumpin' his man junk to porn instead of knocking you up, then you'd have 1 less thing between the two of you, and the rest of us wouldn't have to hear your crap!

To clear this up once more, these sentiments are the result of AH's insecurities. She just thinks that's what I am doing becuase she refuses to believe otherwise. I could tell her all day long that I don't want to become emotionally entangled with a psycho all day long, and that would translate,in her mind, to "I want to look at porn and whack it."
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asianhottie said:
Hello! People get psycho on you when you don't spend time with them and spend all it on the car!

Normal healthy members of society don't...
Get some help.
No you don't get it. That's what you think I do cause you can't figure out why we are finished! How about contributing something worthwhile to this board!
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well, ive seen your picture and i don't think so either...im sorry for being ignorant, but, get over your MAJOR issues, before acting like a total ****** psychotic b****! if i was linux, id have left your scitsaphrenic ass a long time ago. stop the personal attacks, and trying to control every aspect of his life,

maybe he'll talk to you then.
It seems like everything he does is WRONG! From his porn looking habits, to how he manages money, to how he treats me.

s***, my dog could do a better job being a human being.
Oh I know why we're finished! Because you can't treat me like I am special. That's why!

[ oh god I will be editing posts for the next 5 years... -enry ]
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