What do you use to clean your car??


2003 MSP #1475
Just curious what products everyone uses, like, soap, wax, stuff for wheels, stuff for tires, stuff for interior... and why you use it.

I've been using Armorall car soap, cuz thats what my dad has, but i've gotten some meguiars NXT wax that worked alot better than the meguiars gold or whatever. For the wheels, all i've been using is water and a wash mitt, cuz i'm not sure what to use that won't damage the wheels or other parts of the car. For tires, i used to use armorall, but didn't like the way it turned the wheels brownish after a while, so i've gone to just using bon-ami scrub stuff and water. For interior stuff, i've just been using a damp chamois on the vinyl.

Was looking at stuff for the wheels today, meguirs hot rims or something like that, and it says you hold it 2 feet away and spray on the wheel..... but you can't get it on brake parts, rotors or calipers. Go figure. Thats the main reason for this thread, is so i, and other people, can find products that work good that won't damage anything.
i use zaino to care for my car. they have a full like of car wash and wax that is awesome. for tires i use turttle wax tire wax. nice lasting shine, and it doesnt spin off.
i used michellin's 3-2-1 system, but only the cleaner and the brake dust repeleant. Helps keep the brake dust off somewhat longer and not as bad.
Ater waxing my car with Mother's, Maguire's and lately zaino...I came to the conclusion that wax is wax. The only thing I strongly recommend is clay baring the car, it made the paint smooth and soft. I saw no difference in shine especually if you have a silver or Titanium grey like my Msp. I was hoping for miracles with zaino....but I realize my paint is new and has been waxed over a dozen times previously....so no real difference.

My biggest regret was finding out that I scratched my paint by removing wax with t-shirt cloth...I've been tramatized ever since.....today I use 100% cotton cloth bath towels or Microfiber buffing towels.
i use blue coral soap to wash the car w/ a lamp wool wash mit, purple power to get rid of all the dirt and grim off the rims and tires, mother's polish for the rims and meguiars wax for the car, and for the interior i use a microfiber towel to get all the lint and hair off the seats and dash, meguiars hot shot tire shine with an applicator pad so i dont get any over spray on the car and on the brake parts.
zaino zaino zaino...

if you havent used it, try it, and you wont ever stop. It actually is THAT good.

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