So it's getting colder with snow on the way


...and I'm officially joining the Miata community!

Tomarrow I'm buying a '94. Black on black with black. 5 speed(ofcourse).

The car is freggin near mint. The top is like 2 years old(plastic window on a '94?), the car has been owned by a lady for all but 2 of it's years. Interior is perfect. Exterior is perfect except the usual rock chips on the hood, and the center caps are yellow(oh noes!). I drove the car today, clutch is great, tires are great, handles like a dream, runs strong and smooth. Engine bay is dirty, though the lady said that she was going to powerwash it but didn't want to risk any electrical damage(good for her being a cautious owner!). Car has been worked on for all of it's life at my dealership(meaning my dad prolly did some of it(thumb) ). 99,000 miles(on a BP that's nothin'!)

Did I mention that the lady not only drove it out to me(she just bought an Outback XT from my dealership, and that's where I first, and only briefly, saw the car) to see and drive, at my house today, but she's driving to my dealership to sell the car to me tomarrow while I'm at work. She is the epitome of a good individual seller. Even agreed that she would put a much lower number on the paperwork for tax reasons.

So, "How much?", you ask? Well, what do you think...'94, A/C, PS, crank windows(YES!!), best 1st gen Miata I've seen in a long time. $6,000? Nah. 5 grand? Nope.

$2,900 Yes, Twenty-nine hundred dollars.

I'm so thrilled I can't believe I'm finally getting my favorite USDM Mazda of all time for such a bargain.

So, you ask, why a Miata? It's simple. I have a hard top for one that I got for free. Yeah, that's right. Off of a MazdaSpeed(Titanium paint). My dad(who is a Mazda Master Tech(for like 23 years now), got it because one of the other mechanics tried to remove one of the front latches and totally stripped out the screw. It's partially out so I'm sure we can use vice-grips on it or something. Got a few scratchs, but I don't care.

I need 2nd gen striker plates for this right?

Ohh, and I have a set of 2nd gen mint floor mats too.

Actually I got it because my Protege is loud right now...custom 2.5" exhaust that my friend, my brother, and I welded up. And ofcourse, nothing drives like a Miata.

Pics come tomarrow!
Congrats!! And welcome to the wonderful world of miata ownership!! I'd pay $2900 for it. :D

Can't wait to see the pics!
$2900?!? SCORE! Very nice find and welcome to the fun side of things :D. Post pics and hit an auto-x or track day ASAP.

You've got me jealous with the free hard top, you suck! ;)
Hah, yeah, free hard top, I couldn't believe it. It was sitting in my dad's work area for months, then one day when he was cleaning the area up he asked about it and his boss said he could have it. At first we were going to sell it on E-bay, but I told my dad that since we had a hard top I'd buy a car for it, just joking mostly but hopeful. My brother said that we should sell it and then I could buy a Miata with the money, which made no sense because if I got a Miata I'd want the freggin hard top anyway.

So things worked out. I do need to know if I need 2nd gen striker plates for the top of the windshield...I think the FAQ on said I do but it wasn't very clear.

Thanks for the warm welcome...can't wait to tear up some cloverleafs. Ofcourse that's what I do in the Protege but it's not the same. :)
a friend I used to autocross with in KY used to kick my ass all over the pax with his susp. only modded 1st gen Pro. Don't underestimate the potential of your little guy. :)

then again, my miata was stock too... :p
Well, no more hard top. Damnit, my dealership has screwed me over again.

My dad's boss told him that we could have it like 4 months ago, and today shortly after I bought the Miata my dad was talking with one of the parts guys and they need the hard top to complete the warranty repair. So there goes my hard top. :(
Ahh, sorry, I got pulled away before I could explain my first day of ownership, because my friend and my brother both wanted a ride in the new machine.

Anyway, the lady showed up at 4 at my dealership, just as I had a Forester to get ready. Ignoring my normal way of getting the car done first, I decided to buy the Miata first, also because I didn't want to keep the lady waiting. So we did the paperwork(put $250 on the bill of sale, yey!), and then she needed a ride back to her office...I asked my boss if I could do this and he said that I could if I clocked out(duh), so I did.
It's an odd thing driving your new car with the previous owner sitting in the passenger seat. Kinda sad. Anyway I drove nice and smooth, then when I dropped her off she said "ohh there's one last thing I don't need anymore" and handed me a 1st gen Miata silver metal keychain car thingy. I thanked her again and promised to take care of the car as she did(well, better actually, lol)...on the way back to the dealership I mashed the throttle several times and did a few runs to the redline. Man, what a car!!! The sound, the feeling, it's all there...though the car had some wierd old-person smell(the lady is like 30 something so it doesn't make sense).

I parked it in the shop to look it over more. It has the usual Miata rust at the bottom of the rear wheel wells infront of the rear wheels. I'm going to get this fixed during the winter, if I can resist the want to drive the car. :) Other than that, nothing is broken. Some stuff is missing, like a screw or 2 for the glove box, the spare tire bolt, and I think some trunk pieces(there are supposed to be pieces that cover the back of the tail lights, right?), but that's easy stuff.

Tomarrow I'm going to 2 junkyards with my brother...I'm going to get a horn for the car(the lady put this stupid awful air-horn on it), maybe some not-yellow center caps(might have some here actually), and whatever else I find. First mod was taking the front plate off(luckily not major damage to the bumper since it mounts from below), then I cleaned up the car some more(freggin clean as it was). Then I remembered seeing a tanuea cover in a file cabinet in the used car office. So I searched for it and found 1 for a '97. Asked the used car manager if I could have it and he said sure. So, tanuea cover...I decided to put it on the car, just for kicks. Then I drove it around the block with the top down while it's like low 40 degrees out. I wasn't cold though cause the heater in this thing is killer. I drove home with the top down, then went to Hardees with the top down. Got some wierd looks from other motorists. :)

Anyway I can't even describe how happy I am. My brother is so jealous(since his Mazdas still need a lot of work), my friend loves the car, and I took a few sales people on drives in it and they can't believe the deal I got on the car.

Pics coming tomarrow. You'll be amazed!
cool, nice find sounds like. yea i wish i had a hardtop for mine, once i finish up on all the mods and body work on mine ill find a hardtop on ebay locally hopefully hehe. speaking of pics i should take some of mine this week, been awhile since i took pics of it :)
Haha, you're getting feebies left and right.

Don't feel strange about driving with the top down when it's 40 out. I've done that on occasion myself. Crank the heat and have fun.
remember what I said about your gen I pro...I'll take it off your hands if you don want it. :D
Well, here's some pics...not the best for photo quality but they'll do for now.









Wow...she's a peach! You got a hell of a deal.
Looking good!
Welcome to the dark side!
First order of business is to burn the tires off the back by drifting around as many corners as possible. Then rotate and repeat!

Second mod would be to get a voodoo billet shift knob. The feel is great, the look is great and it'll be a little lower than stock (you can even modify it to be a lot lower than stock) you'll love every shift.

(I have an extra if you are interested) ;)

I've got a triple black as well. That's the best choice!