Sls Horrifying Product!!!

I've now seen both the SLS and AWR mount's break at the welds like that!

No pictures in that thread btw.

I broke my AWR front MM under severe service during 40, 3 mile road course laps. After sending two quick pics to Tony, he sent me a brand new, stronger one free of charge (provided I return old one). Great SERVICE, thanks TONY!!!!
from the looks of that thing it was just waiting to snap...the way it is designed all the stress is going to the welds and not the bushing. AWR is much nicer and I am surprised to hear that one broke. But still that is only one breaking in how long a period? I bet we see plenty more of these SLS ones breaking. The AWRs look thicker and have that triangular shape to them that makes them stronger.
That really sucks Butlerg, sorry for recommending them to you in the other thread. But I wonder if you have issues with your other mounts. Judging by the condition of the stock mount you took out, I would bet that you have other mounts that need replacing. Maybe that put more stress than normal on the SLS. Still, it should have been designed to hold up to that kind of stress, even if the other mounts are shot.

I'm going to take mine off and take it to work to use some magnifying equipment and look for cracks. I really like the SLS, but not if there is a chance that it will fail like that. At least if the stock mount fails, it's designed well enough that it will still hold together.
That really sucks Butlerg, sorry for recommending them to you in the other thread. But I wonder if you have issues with your other mounts. Judging by the condition of the stock mount you took out, I would bet that you have other mounts that need replacing. Maybe that put more stress than normal on the SLS. Still, it should have been designed to hold up to that kind of stress, even if the other mounts are shot.

I'm going to take mine off and take it to work to use some magnifying equipment and look for cracks. I really like the SLS, but not if there is a chance that it will fail like that. At least if the stock mount fails, it's designed well enough that it will still hold together.

Good point, we all forgot to ask him if he replaced the front and back...I would highly recommend not just doing one side...
Wow, that sux. I don't remember how long mine has been on but I haven't had any problems with it so far.......... Suppose I better have a look and double check mine.
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Is that red stuff rust?

Hard to see how a part could rust that badly in 200 miles. Also the part on the left looks like it's rustier than the part on the right. So maybe that piece of metal was rusty, they welded it on, and it didn't hold because the rust weakened the weld? Seems crazy to built a motor mount with rusty metal though, maybe it's just primer? Even then, why prime a piece where there will be a metal to metal contact?
im sorry but looking at their mounts, the design is crap when compared to AWR and SU mounts.

I installed a SU mount and its solid cast aluminum i believe.

I attached a pic of what i installed, and thats what a MM should look like...


  • SUPAFMM-2.webp
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That weld looks like crap to me. It did not penetrate the metal very much at all. Looks more like it was glued together then welded.
yikes. have any NA guys been able to break SLS mounts?
NA AND sport auto. Broken side mount bracket. Front OK so far but will be coming off to put untorn oem with rr inserts back on front & call it good. I like the SU ones but not enough feedback to go for those at this point. Who here has more than just the front one & for how long? In some thread there was some negative comment about one of those too IIRC.
lol well i drove on mine for a full day after installing the SU front MM and i had a completely torn stock mount. The improvent was incredible and only a slight vibration at idle. all my other mounts are stock.
I don't see how the front AWR mount could fail.

(top mount in picture)
There is alot more weld contact area here. I've been happy with my AWR mounts.
true. the SU & AWR mounts look 100 times better than that goofy SLS mount
I don't see how the front AWR mount could fail.

(top mount in picture)
There is alot more weld contact area here. I've been happy with my AWR mounts.
No, I had not replaced the other mounts at the time. The driver side mount and rear mount look fine at the moment. Look at the thing. It obviously snapped right where it was welded. All I know is that having to drive home with 3 mounts left in my car, sure ripped apart my passenger side mount. It got totally f**ed...Thanks to this catastrophe and the immediate need for my car to get to college, I had to go get (upbum) by the Mazda dealership for new mounts that will likely break in another 20,000 miles...The engine and tranny seem fine. They weren't tilted or anything. I'm assuming the other mounts took the brunt of the engine load after this one snapped.
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