Protege5 Side Mirrors from Mazda3?

Does anyone know if the side mirrors from a first generation 2003-2008 Mazda 3 fit onto a 2003 Protege5?

We are looking for a set of heated, electric side mirrors for the wife's 2003 Protege5, but I have not been able to any mirrors with these options for the P5.

Eventually realized the UK version of the Protege, the Mazda 323 BJ will fit and there are some heated/electric mirrors available but they are expensive to buy and very expensive to ship to me.

So before I give in to emptying my wallet for those-

I came across some forum thread that I can no longer find of someone discussing installing first gen Mazda 3 mirrors on their Protege. They talked about having to run an extra wire for the turn signal lights on the mirrors.

Anyone able to confirm that the Mazda 3 mirrors assembly does bolt on okay to a Protege5? They are much easier to find, much closer to home and thus much cheaper shipping, and much cheaper to begin with. Plus I can also get the turn signal lights which is cool.
Does anyone know if the side mirrors from a first generation 2003-2008 Mazda 3 fit onto a 2003 Protege5?

We are looking for a set of heated, electric side mirrors for the wife's 2003 Protege5, but I have not been able to any mirrors with these options for the P5.

Eventually realized the UK version of the Protege, the Mazda 323 BJ will fit and there are some heated/electric mirrors available but they are expensive to buy and very expensive to ship to me.

So before I give in to emptying my wallet for those-

I came across some forum thread that I can no longer find of someone discussing installing first gen Mazda 3 mirrors on their Protege. They talked about having to run an extra wire for the turn signal lights on the mirrors.

Anyone able to confirm that the Mazda 3 mirrors assembly does bolt on okay to a Protege5? They are much easier to find, much closer to home and thus much cheaper shipping, and much cheaper to begin with. Plus I can also get the turn signal lights which is cool.
This is an appealing proposition. I just spent a lot of time trying to replace a mirror and it seems like a lot of P5 mirrors are brittle, old, and expensive.

My initial thought is that a Mazda 3 mirror wouldn't fit, but I have nothing to go off on that, and if you saw something on it being possible, then maybe it could be? I'm going to take a look at the mounting for one of those mirrors online I suppose.
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I have an 07 Mazda 3. I just took a look and the base (part that connects to the car) is much larger on the 3. No idea if the bolts would line up.

I am sure you could make it fit if you really tried, but my guess is you will at least have to do some cutting/grinding of the base. I would bet that the angle of the windshields are slightly different also.

You guys don't have pick-and-pulls near you? I guess I am fortunate... there are 3 Protege's and 1 Protege5 in the LKQ junk yards in the Baltimore area. They have standard pricing, no matter what car it comes off of, it will be the same price for the part.
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