Post recent pictures of your Mazda!

love the color of my p5! walking out to it after work yesterday I could actually see the bright blue reflection under a truck which was two spaces away from me.
ignore the half roof rack. was putting it on but was running late for work and had to stop midway

This weekend I changed the oil on the SV. It turns out, sometimes the old gasket stays on the block, and if you don't check that sh*t you end up sandwiching it between the new filter/gasket and the block. And then bad / exciting things happen.



I'm glad it didn't happen about 10 seconds before, while I was in a traffic circle. It would have been a LOT more exciting... and painful... and expensive. I'll have it home tonight and will know just how bad the damage is by the weekend. I shut it down as soon as the light came on, but you never know how long it takes to do real damage. We'll see how the oil looks when I drain what's left.
Newb. Lulz.

I've never had that happen to me but Phen told me a couple years back to always make sure the old filter still has the gasket attached before you toss it. Good little tip/step when doing oil changes.