Mazda CX-30 or CX-5?

Hi All,

My family is looking at trading an Audi for a Mazda. We are currently torn between the Cx-30 and the Cx-5. I am partial towards the cx-5 because I currently own one, love it and have not had any issues since owning (every other car I have owned, has had a repair by now at the mileage my CX-5 is at). Mom prefers the CX-30, but would be willing to accept the CX-5 if the 5 is more reliable. We are mainly looking at used and model years 2020 and up.

We are also considering seat comfort, parking in tight spaces, and handling.

I too started out looking at the CX-30 but found it to be a little to firm and bouncy where the CX-5 was way more civilized .. Currently, I'm still considering the seat comfort on the CX-5, which either works for some and doesn't for others. Both are great cars, with reliable mechanics, other than the CX-30 being assembled in Mexico and the CX-5 assembled in Japan. If you are moving towards the CX-30, move quickly before the possibility of the Tariffs coming back to bite you and the price you pay. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Note that CX-30 does not have independent rear suspension like CX-5 has.
Big negative for me, but your own decision on that.
Emergency handling could be compromised...
not necessarily obvious in daily driving. Same for CX-50.

Yes. Tariff. Last time I checked while I was at a dealership.
That CX-30 was made in Mexico.... like many Mazda3s did.
I believe most CX-5s if not all were made in Japan.

CX-30 is definitely smaller in footprint.
I would guess the reliability is about the same as (depending on the exact year) most of them now use the same 2.5L engine.

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