Efficient driving goes hand-in-hand with safe driving. One of the key principles I've learned over the years is to maintain a steady speed, even it feels slow or dips below the speed limit. By resisting the urge to rush and focusing on consistent speeds, I have avoided countless accidents while observing significantly better fuel economy over EPA estimates. Here's how I have put this principle into practice, further refining my technique along the way:
1. Terrain Awareness & Momentum Management:
Efficient driving goes hand-in-hand with safe driving. One of the key principles I've learned over the years is to maintain a steady speed, even it feels slow or dips below the speed limit. By resisting the urge to rush and focusing on consistent speeds, I have avoided countless accidents while observing significantly better fuel economy over EPA estimates. Here's how I have put this principle into practice, further refining my technique along the way:
1. Terrain Awareness & Momentum Management:
- Downhill: Use the downhill momentum to your advantage. Gently increase throttle to gain speed, reducing the need to accelerate hard later.
- Uphill: Ease off the throttle and allow your speed to decrease slightly. Don't force the engine to maintain speed uphill. Regain speed on the next downhill section.
- Gradual Acceleration: Accelerate smoothly and gradually. Avoid hard starts and excessive throttle input.
- Respect Shift Points: Pay attention to your car's shift points and avoid exceeding them unnecessarily.
- Safety First: A large following distance provides ample time to react to unexpected situations and avoid sudden braking. I aim for roughly 6-8 car lengths when travelling 80km/h per hour or faster.
- Efficiency Bonus: It also allows you to anticipate slowdowns and maintain a more consistent speed, reducing fuel-wasting acceleration and braking cycles.
- Use Cruise Control Wisely: While cruise control can be helpful for maintaining a steady speed on flat terrain, avoid using it on hilly roads, as it can lead to unnecessary acceleration and fuel consumption on uphills.
- Observe and Adjust: Pay close attention to your car's real-time fuel economy display and try to stay within a certain range. Keep that number relatively steady.
- Patience is Key: Efficient driving requires patience. Avoid the urge to rush and focus on maintaining a steady pace.
- Anticipation and Planning: Be patient. Anticipate traffic flow and road conditions to optimize your speed. This will easily help you minimize unnecessary braking and acceleration, keep you and others safer.
- Smoothness: Smooth inputs and gradual transitions are crucial for maximizing efficiency.