NB MX-5: Hey, it's Minnie!

At that point I decided to take a little break to work on something simpler. My windshield header weatherstrip was showing signs of wear so I decided to replace that. Here is the part number for it:


I bought it online from a dealer near me and picked it up in person. With that in hand I proceeded to remove the old part. It’s pretty easy to pull the strip off the seam it attaches to, there are two fasteners located at either side of the top. One is a black serrated pin, and the other a white T-shaped post. The white post is similar to those used for the weatherstripping around the door perimeter. I removed those the same way as I did the others by pulling it up slightly and then slipping a small screwdriver underneath to depress the fingers. Here is how it looks removed:


Pull up the scuff plate on the door opening to remove the front part of the strip. Once you remove the strip, you will have some adhesive to remove before proceeding. The new strip has adhesive inside the slit that fits over the seams so you don’t have to add any. Here is a view of a seam once the strip is removed:


Once I had the cleaning done I started at one side (I chose the passenger side) to put the fasteners in place and then worked my way down the door opening. At the edge where the fasteners are you will see some strips that need to be removed to expose double-sided tape before putting that edge on. Here is what to look for:


You then work your way around the weatherstrip making sure the slot fits over the seams correctly. Once done you will have some of the strip trapped under the trim so will have to work your way along to free that up. Here is what you will see:


Note, you can remove that header trim completely and avoid having the work the edge out, but I was already deep into things so decided it was just was easy to work the edge until it was where it needed to be.
After the weatherstrip was installed I went back to the MS install. This entailed installing my AEM Uego wideband and getting it all wired up. Did that and did the basic steps in getting the MS set up. Once that was done I turned the key and she fired up. Briefly any way, the revs slowly died and she stopped. After that I was not able to get her restarted. I checked through what I could in TunerStudio and with the connections but nothing presented as being wrong. I sent a message to the builder asking if he had any suggestions.

Today I went back into things after thinking about it overnight. I checked the wideband connections to the MS, including testing the CAN wiring on the DB-37 connector to the free ends of the wires for continuity. That checked out ok, and I fixed a few minor wire issues. While she now sounds like she wants to fire, she isn’t quite there yet. I asked a basic question on a FB MS page and got sarcasm. Oh well.
Nice work on the weatherstrip! always someone who needs attention 😠! Good luck, wish I could help sir!
I got in touch with the builder of my MS3 to seek his help with my non-start issue. After five days or so of back-and-forth e-mails (time differences suck for that), we established that my fuel pump wasn’t operating. To check the pump itself was fine, I made a wire to jump out the F/P and GND terminals in the diagnostic box located under the hood. Here is the wire (cut down two fork terminals), and the places you need to jump across:



Pump ran fine with that in place, and the car started. This is when I found out that NB2 cars (with the immobilizer circuitry) have a different hardware configuration inside the MS3. There is a jumper that is placed across two posts depending upon the year of your car. Mine was installed incorrectly for my year. Here is how it should have been (this is after I moved it):


Once that was done and everything connected back up, she fired up with some minor stumbling until the air was out of the fuel system. I got everything calibrated I needed to and set the base timing. I will need to figure out some sort of mounting arrangement as the Singular bracket I bought isn’t going to work for me. Now on to some tuning!

I also got a phone call last night from the supercharger rebuilder. They had sent me notice of a shipping label being created last Thursday, which implied to me they were on target for sending it off the next day. However last night I was told the snout shaft had not been fabricated yet, nor final assembly done. They said they expected to have that finished in the new two days or so. This is me, holding my breath…
Ended up using some zip-ties to mount the MS3 to the underside of the steering column. I used what I had on hand, this morning while out for a test drive I stopped by Ace and got some long, wide zip-ties. I’m going to redo the mounting also using some 1/16” foam I have to provide some cushioning for the ECU.

Took her out for a shake-down test to see how the MS3 would run. Overall it was good, she seemed to have more umph than with the MS2, idle was stable too. There were some small hiccups while driving (such as hesitation while upshifting and then getting back into the throttle) but those were random and I expect will go away with tuning.

I stopped by the same place where I always take pictures to get some new ones with my gold wheels and the rear spoiler risers installed. Decided to shoot a few with the top up as well. Here those are:




Here’s some pictures of what I did with the foam and mounting for the MS3:



Haven’t noticed any problems with it yet.

Changed back to my silver wheels yesterday and gave her a going to sleep nap this morning. I did finally get notice that my supercharger is headed to me (supposedly it was in FedEx’s hands on 20 August but I doubt that since I only got notification yesterday). With the way this debacle has been going, it is due to arrive tomorrow after I leave, so I won’t be able to inspect it until I get back home.
Well I'm not home yet but I figured I'd post so those who are stopping by know when they might see something here. Got about another month before I get home and one of the first orders of business will be to get the supercharger installed again, weather permitting. I have something else on the horizon that I won't go into just yet. Not like this is the first time I've been cryptic or anything...
Nah Chief, you being cryptic? haha We enjoy the suspense and until then, safe travels!