Florida Mazda Meet !!


Potential Scammer!
2000 Protege DX
Looking to have a huge Mazda meet...All Mazda's or Fords borrowing From Mazda's...(example Probe's,Escort Gt's,Capri Xr2's).....Looking to have this in Tampa or Orlando area...whichever is most convenient.....I will bring some food to Bar-b-que depending on how many people will confirm they WILL show...looking for people simply willing to participate or help too...No definite location or date set yet....Just Orlando or Tampa area and sometime in late September....please post on here these things

1. Will you come ?
2. Suggested date
3. Suggested Location (state parks are preferred)
4. Will you help with food (cook or bring some)

I'd like to see a BIG turnout, and I will be posting this all over to get a big response,and doing most of the coordination myself

Thanks in advance!!! (2thumbs) (2thumbs) (2thumbs)
we do this a few times a year. We were planning something in another thread. On Aug 14th is a charity car show in Melbourne we were thinking about getting together before that and then driving to the show. :) Check out some of the other threads...we've always got something in the works....and I hope to see you around :)
update...Tentative location and date is Hillsborough State Park on Hwy 301 on September 25th
NOPI is the weekend before Im not sure if a lot of people will come out after just going to atlanta....what time were you thinking​
thanks for the vote of confidence there Foxy...but not as many people are as die hard as you to drive to Atlanta....This is also posted on Mx6.com,Protegeclub,Clubprotege,Tamparacing.com,Performanceprobe.com. ,and a few other sites. It is already garnering support. If you can come, GREAT,hope to see you there. Time i'm thinking around 12-3, again depending on support...if the responses suggest a different ime I'll change it
Not as many people are as die hard as me to drive anywhere. I know where they are posted I saw them. I hope this turns out for you...as for losers like me we work weekends and can only get a few off we cant make it. post pics from the meet. Ill see if I cant get some of the other guys to go for it.​
I'd be down for a meet , don't think I'm going to drive all the way to Atlanta either.
hey fuk it i was gonna get rid of my car but maybe ill just keep it and invest monie into it istead of getting a truck pluse a 222 payment sounds better then a 3oo or more dont you think and ill bring food chips and stuff and there ya go eric you happy im gonna keep my car!!!! lol and again count me in and tampasport get a roster together so we can see the amount of people showin up and give me an email at z187troubble@yahoo.com on what you think i should bring......
I was gonna see if i could get a meet going, so i'll just try to get the peeps i was gonna contact to meet up there.
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TampaSport20 said:
cool... (lol2)
I dont know wtf I did to you but I really dont like your dick attitude.​
I wasnt trying to say your out of luck buddy. Good for you if you get this meet going s***.​
whoa Joelene ! where's the hostility coming from ?? What's bad about saying cool ?? I'm simply responding that I'm glad someone is interested in showing up....Right now it does look like it will happen at Hillsborough State Park on 9-25....time is still up in the air
Sorry Mac. You just seemed like you were making the (evil) smilie because not that many people want to go to NOPI. I thought you were laughing at the fact that I brought it up and it no that many people are going. Sorry. I just thought you had a problem with me and I couldnt remember anything that I ever did that was against you. I read it wrong.

And Jeez Russ--is that the best boob bouncy avatar you could find?
Jo, if it makes you feel better I will be going to NOPI. :D And I'm driving from NC which is at least a 4 1/2-5 hour drive. Florida's jus got dem lazy people that like to spring up a meet in a weeks notice. lol jk I used to live in Miami and EVERYTHING was always "x" hours away. Why couldn't FL be like the size of Long Island or something????

And you can always show them how hard core you are by going to the show AND the meet. woot lol

And Jeez Russ--is that the best boob bouncy avatar you could find?
Come on now... the guys from 'LONGWOOD, FL'.. read below the avatar. lol
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hey im game......i have no problem getting off on weekends....im going to atleast nopi or this meet, if not both......ill chip in and help with anything u need