This post might be a bit vague, so I apologize. Also, I know a video exists of the skyactiv engines making a bit of racket naturally due to the direct injection and what not. But we notice, when the car is in reverse more than anything, pulling out of our garage it makes a fair bit of noise. It's been like this for some time actually, really since the engine was replaced a year and half ago is when I noticed it. Does anyone else notice when their cx9 is put into gear right after startup, that it make what sounds like a chain noise kind of slapping a bit. I know we have a timing chain on these vehicles, but doesn't a new long block come with a new chain and and guides? Also, it doesn't sound like this is eminating from the trans either, it does sound like it is eminating from the side with the drive belt. It does seem to subside a fair bit as the car warms. I'm just hoping this is a sound this engine makes and we don't have an additional problem brewing. Thought I'd run this by everyone and see what they think.
Mazda Skyactiv Engine sounds Explained 2013 - 2022
Worried something is wrong with your Mazda Engine? Here is the nominal operating sounds from cold and warm startup explained. Applicable to Skyactiv-G (gasol...