CX-90 System stuck on one HD Radio station

Brand new CX-90 Turbo S Premium prefers country music. No matter what station I've selected from my favorites list, the system will go back to a single country music station. Sometimes I get a few minutes of 80's from the selected station and then the car decides I've had enough rock-n-roll and it's time for some country. I've deleted all the favorites and reprogramed but the Mazda gremlins prefer country. I don't mind country music but I would like to add some variety.
Brand new CX-90 Turbo S Premium prefers country music. No matter what station I've selected from my favorites list, the system will go back to a single country music station. Sometimes I get a few minutes of 80's from the selected station and then the car decides I've had enough rock-n-roll and it's time for some country. I've deleted all the favorites and reprogramed but the Mazda gremlins prefer country. I don't mind country music but I would like to add some variety.
I have this same problem on my same Mazda model where it would always go back to an undesirable station after selecting one of my favorites. I finally figured out how to work around this issue. I turned the HD mode off, and now I am getting the correct radio stations without them being reverted to the undesirable single station.