CX-30 Remote Lock issue

I set the CX-30 to 30 seconds, but half of the time it does NOT recognize that I have left the vehicle and it is left unlocked. Anyone else with this issue and do you know what is causing it?

Thanks brothers.
If you make it far enough away from the car before your door closes, it won't lock.

If your passenger is the last one to close a door and you're already 10+ feet away, it won't lock.

But if you're in and out of the car a lot, say you're loading or unloading things, or you're cleaning the car, it gets annoying fast.

I stopped using it.

For those who do want to use it, it would help if Mazda keyed it to all of the doors and not just the driver's door.
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Ive found that if you have the key fob in the same pocket as your phone sometimes it doesnt do the auto walk away lock.

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